Unable to complete quest Delver's Call: Earthcrawl Mines

I have completed the Delve twice with after I have accepted the quest, and it has not progressed the quest or let me complete it.


Buddy and I are having the same experience, submitted a bug report.

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having same issue here, completed twice

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same issue here, can’t complete it on T1, T2 or T3 checked and double checked.

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Same. Unable to complete on any level.

Also unable to complete :frowning:

Same here. Glad I did all that testing in beta that fixed bugs like these…


I am also having this issue. Tried with my good buddy Vynnil and neither of us could complete it.

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So I had the same thing happen to me after picking up the quest off the paper in the circle/roundabout area. I headed to the first delve, Earthcrawl Mines and completed it on Tier 3 got the acheive but quest not completed. I submitted a bug report and went on to the other one Kriegval’s Rest and this time I happened to talk to Bran at the entrance inside and there was like a quest dialogue option, so we’ll see if it completes this time but I must have blown past Bran in Earthcrawl. Silly that it’ll let you complete it without giving you credit just cause you didn’t talk to him

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Same issue here

Same here, accepted quest and completed it on lv 3 yet, still shows incomplete

I did it again, made sure to talked to Brann this time, and still didn’t complete, again

Adding my voice here. Just completed this one and no completion of the quest.

+1 same here

Same here ran it 5 times trying what was said with no luck

Same, just did a 3 and then a 1 and no completion.

Same, ran it twice, unable to complete Delver’s
Call: Earthcrawl Mines

yep same. dab one up bois

Also ran the mines twice thinking I missed something and nope just not completing the quest to turn it in. I had the Fiery Grounds variant of the delve so not sure if it’s just that variant it’s bugged on preventing completing the quest.

Same thing happened to me, cannot complete the mission. The other delves I did completed.