Unable to complete quest Delver's Call: Earthcrawl Mines

Same here that is alot of xp to leave on the table. Did not see the quest on wow head either

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Same here - ran twice not completed even though I got the 10 delved achievement! I want my XP!!

Running into same issue - doesn’t seem to show a turn in location after completing the delve.

Also adding my “this is happening to me” to this, thought i must have missed something and ran it again and still says to complete it.

Same here. Did the bountiful delve there and then did the regular trying everything I found online and still didn’t get credit for either although I finished them.

I ran this instance 2 times tonight and discovered it was not completing to be turned in. Are we supposed to just drop the quest or keep it and hope they fix it?

Just adding my name, not sure why. :slight_smile: Anyway, did Earthcrawl delves twice in a row, no credit for the quest.

+1 to the issue.
Maybe, MAAAYBE, the quest intends the player to do a specific story that is not today’s ?

same here, ran once and went to the forum

Same issue here. Just ran it; no option to hand it in anywhere so it looks like I can’t complete it. Lots of bugs, Blizzard
 get your act together.

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If you’re reading this after all the other posts, guess what? It’s still bugged! Maybe they’ll fix it by the time The Last Titan releases. If we’re lucky

Also not completing for me.

Same here, I’ve done it twice on level 3 and still not completed it.

Same thing here, did it twice (T3, then T1)

If this is the one you have to do with the campaign? It was buggy on a few of my alts and wouldn’t complete either. I actually had to click on brann’s supplies outside of the delve and change his role to get it to complete at least for me.

i ran it twice and it was two different stories

Ran it again after today’s maintenance, still broken. Including that I did all 3 versions now and got the achievement “Earthcrawl Mines Stories”

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Same - still will not give credit after maintenance. Lovely.

Same issue here. Picked up quest and would not complete after running it 3 times. Even abandoned the quest and picked it back up, ran again, and still would not compete.

I noticed this. That the quest objective was not to complete the delve until I talked to Brann. I completed the delve quest successfully on two toons, but I did talk to him. I don’t think this is a bug, I just think it’s really unintuitive.

What I had to do, was “select a role” for Brann. Even though I had already selected a role. I had to change it and then change it back to get it to trigger.