I keep getting “You must spend all available talent points to apply changes” but I have none to spend.
I’m having the same issue I’ve spent all my points, even in the new middle section on both options.
Update: I ended up deleting all of them and re-importing them and things are fine now!
I was having this issue too. Deleting one of my talent presets and importing a new one fixed the issue for me
This is my situation. Deleting talent presets did not work. Importing new set didn’t work.
same will a blue freaking fix this crap already.
Christ almighty, there is no way this didn’t come up in development. Or testing. Or Beta. This is the most basic of the basic things to do.
This is happening to me too and driving me crazy. I can save the full talent tree and action bars, but when I re-open the talent tree, it is unassigned. Changing specializations or logging out empties all of the talents off of my bars.
This is still not fixed.
this wasn’t an issue in beta. i changed talent load outs frequently.
that said, i am also having this issue. i even tried placing points in the hero tree i am not using.
Same and still not working. People with lots of loadouts are having a nightmare rn.
Echoing this bug. Deleting a preset didn’t work, assigning both sides of the hero tree also didn’t work. buggy af.
Same thing happened to me just now. Can a blue confirm visibility on this please? Thanks.
Same issue for me. Hopefully this is fixed soon.
Can confirm this is still an issue. I’ve deleted all loadouts, tried without addons, tested on several toons.
This seems to be a bug related to the hero talents. After hitting 71 on my DK, I picked my hero tree, applied my talent to BOTH hero trees in the loadout I was in, and now I cannot switch loadouts. I was able to switch loadouts prior to hitting 71.
I was hoping that by hitting 80 and filling out the entire hero tree, it would fix itself. It did not. Still a problem. Oye!
I too am having this problem, and can confirm both with and without addons.
having the same issue, cannot change between talent loadouts
same here
same here 10