Unable to block users with "Private profile"

Title. In order to block someone you have to do a bunch of silly random nonsense, but it cannot be done if they have their profile set to private.

You can ignore a user who has a private profile. Click on your Icon in the upper right corner of the screen, select the Profile Icon.

Then click on Users.

Click Add and enter the name of the person you wish to ignore. You’ll receive a list of potential users if there are more than one, but you can usually match up the icons. Select the duration then Ignore. Then Save Changes.

Are you experiencing something different, Sephrinx?


Thank you that worked. I did not know that was even an option, thank god.


It shouldn’t work that way you should be able to ignore them the same as anyone else its cumbersome to do that work around

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This would be better relayed to the Website Bug Forum, where feedback is collected. Replying to Vrak here - it’s essentially speaking to the nether. Nothing is collected from Customer Support.


It literally takes three seconds. As Leilleath said, though, this isn’t the place for suggestions or feedback.


I would also say, technically that functionality is built into the Discourse forums, so it isn’t something that we directly control.