Unable to access Shadowlands end game content (lvl 70)- Maw, Convents, etc

So I’m having a very strange issue. I can’t access any end-game stuff in Shadowlands at level 70 on this demon hunter. The intro quests are flagged as completed but when I actually get to Oribos… nothing. Nothing shows in the quest log. Trivial quest tracking shows nothing except one quest from the inn-keeper. There are no storyline quests in any of the zones. None of NPCs in Oribos have any dialogue to point me anywhere or help. Fatescribe Roh-Tahl does not offer me a dialogue option to skip anything, just a single option to talk about the purpose. Jumping in the maw stuns me and ports me immediately back out.

I seem entirely locked out of being able to do anything with shadowlands and I’m completely stumped at this point.

From what I can see, Illinari, you are partway through the Ardenwealld quest line in the Shadowlands campaign. The next quests for you are from Droman Tashmur “Dreamweaver” and Spirits of the Glen".

The skip campaign option isn’t generally available now that the expansion has joined the other previous content.


Thanks for that, I’ll head out there and look! I’m pretty sure I’ve done the campaign skip on other 70s since Shadowlands started, it seems like a pretty large bug that I can’t access it on this character and apparently have to manually finish the entire storyline?

Is it possible that you selected to do the campaign at one point from the Threads of Fate? That would require you to and none of the skip options would be available any longer.


Yeah that’s not only possible, it’s almost guaranteed if I started the storyline on this character and didn’t finish it. Weird that ‘can skip/autofinish campaign at max level’ flag is gone now. Used to be able to do that at 60.

I was able to pick the campaign back up, thanks for pointing me there! I ran back to Roh-Tahl with the campaign quests on the off chance that might change his dialogue options but no luck. Looks like I’ll just have to power through the end of it (not a huge deal on a 400+ 70).

Thanks so much for the help!


Aren’t L61+'s able to talk to Fatescribe Roh-Tahl on the terrace just east of the inn in Oribos to skip the campaign, since they’re above the max level for SL content?

EDIT: Oh. I should read the other posts in the topic. :man_facepalming: …still it’s strange that the option disappears at some point during the SL leveling campaign…

Hey there, just want to help myself here.

I’ve been through something like that.

Boosted a Lvl 70 Monk with The War Within boost and wante to go back to SL to get some xmog and do content (for fun, i liked the expansion).

Got to Oribos. Nothing. No quest. No skip, No MSL to at least follow. Can’t have acces to the Maw, can’t figure out how to get to Zereth Mortis. I dont even think i have a covenant there.

So i tried all the solution i could find on the internet (Reddit, wowhead, forums…). Nothing seems to work. I switch to my lvl 60 Dracktyr, use the protal to oribos, MSL is there, asking me if i want to proceed to ZM.

So, i’m a bit off… Even tried to finish all the quest in Bastion, with didnt change a thing, and cant acces Elysian Hold even then.

Anyone having the same problem? And how did you fix it?

(My main character have done alllll the quest, the unlocking, the exploration, etc…)

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If you started the Shadowlands campaign on your new 70 (it sounds like you did since you finished all the quests in Bastion?) you’ll have to complete the entire shadowlands campaign to unlock the covenants, maw, ZM, etc. I know it’s not a fun answer but it’s how it works, currently.

I am having the same issues on my lvl 70 hunter. I did the chilling summons quest got to Orb and nothing. No quests what so ever.

This thread is a little old, but we currently are seeing an issue with getting the quest “Stranger in a Strange Land”.

We hope to have an update in an upcoming patch: