Unable Log in game server

keep saying you have been disconnected. (WOW51900328


Yep, also getting disconnect when in loading screen and then can’t log back in getting the error ‘‘World is down’’

The Maw might be down, I got “transfer aborted: instance not found” while trying to fall into the maw. But now I cant log into server.

Same issue. At least now I know it’s not just me. I am on the east coast. In Canada, and it’s driving me insane.
Last couple weeks it’s been latency, now this.

I’m not even in the Maw. I was last on my void elf in Howling Fjord and it says I’m disconnected. So I don’t think the Maw is down.

I couldn’t get to org. Think you’re stuck in whatever zone your char is until that finally stops.

Issue isn’t just in the Maw. Moving between any of the Shadowlands zones causes the “Transfer aborted” error. Think something’s wrong with the overall server for Shadowlands; teleporting to Legion Dal worked at least.

Yes, I have the same problem when you try to connect it automatically disconnects you

im stuck in SM and now the npc killed me because was not able to zone out and kick back in the instance saying can not find the server

Yeah same issue here. I was in maldraxxis and just couldn’t move. So I tried restarting and now cant get back in.

Freaking out because I thought it was just me. I wasnt able to leave Torghast because it kept saying transfer aborted, then it let me out but I still couldnt leave Oribos, now I cant login at all.

Same issue here. Same WoW error. What is going on?

corrrection, try disabling them and then loading in. then turn them back on. testing now

Adding another name to the list. Can’t get past “Logging Into Game Server”

You know I rarely want to play this game and the one time I do it’s broken. Just fricken awesome!

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i was able to log in after i used the stuck character (below), but i dont want to try and go anywhere in SL now.

Didn’t work for me. Still getting the WOW51900328…

I also had the world down message and now am being disconnected logging in.

I also can’t get past “Logging in to game server”. Was online two hours ago, but now I got a client update and then can’t get in.

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same, client update is only going at like 100kbps so gonna take a while. normal updates go 100mbps so this is fun.

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