Last one I need for the safari, spent the last two days in both shadow and light phases, engaging every battle pet I see, then killing them if UA is not backline, and there have been zero spawns of it. Multiple 30 minutes of shadow phase and nothing.
In the exact same boat, three days at it, 500+ battles, not one back or front row. Glitch with 11.5?
+1 from me. Spent an inordinate amount of time in Hallowfall every void phase trying to find this pet. Nada after several days. I think the spawn may have been broken in 11.0.5.
I thought I was going crazy and have wasted so much time thinking it was my issue. I spent the week, many dark phases, and 100’s of farming battles looking for this stupid thing!
Have also been searching in both phases a while, taking every encounter I find. Zero encounters.
Every other pet collected took 1-3 tries to at least encounter it as a backline pet.
I have experienced the same thing. Spent the entirety of the dark phase, engaging every pet I see on my map and no Umbral Amalgam. I am watching a video on Wowhead of a player who was actually finding them as frontline pets during dark phase, and I’m not even seeing critters or anything that I could force a spawn either. I looked at all the locations indicated in the video and I’ve never seen one frontline or backline.
Still no main spawns or backline pets today 11-2-24
Checked again today, still stuck with just this last pet to capture. They do not spawn independently or as back line pets. Wasted a whole void phase in hallowfall and 20 pet battles of checking backlines and healing pets every 8 minutes. Very annoying waste of time.
Bump same problem, wowhead comments same problem. Please Blizz fix this, its BS
Same issue, I have checked over several days, over a hundred pet battles and not spawning even as a backline pet
Please help Blizzard, I have been circling for hours during the dark Mereldar phase in Hallowfall zone and this pet is nowhere to be found…it is the last pet I need for the achievement. It is very frustrating because you have to wait 3 hours for dark Mereldar to happen and then you have 30 minutes to find the pet and it is not spwaning…please help. Thanks.
Aye, last one I need but after reading 15 days worth wowhead comments saying “11.0.5 broke this, report and wait.” kinda just figured it would take an 11.1 patch for them to bother. But you best believe if it was the rare that drops a mount not spawning… that’d be fixed within the day.
11/15/24 still no main or backline spawns. But I did get my 1800 unique achieve
Anyone know if this was fixed in today’s maintenance?
11/19 After maintenance, still not spawning in dark phase for me. =(
No that I could find. I’m almost 100% it’s STILL not spawning.
This still has not been officially addressed, nor has a fix been announced, & I’ve still not been able to find one of these pets.
I think they have fixed this issue. I spoke with someone yesterday who said she captured one on Wednesday. So, today I started checking while picking flowers during a Dark Phase and found one as a front line pet. Got my chievo done and a Waxwick pet. Checked wowhead and looks like many people are reporting the same. Good hunting everyone.
Edit: I’m fine now.
Are you killing the critters/pets you find in those areas so that new ones spawn?