Umbral Amalgam, not spawning

I’ll have to try that next time I see the dark crystal. I did kill the pet that spawned on the shore and go back to it a few times but it wasn’t there.

It took me a long time to get this one as a back line pet. It was just as the crystal turned from dark to light.

Looks like Blizz removed the Umbral Amalgam from the Khaz Algar Safari achieve, which is good. I still don’t have Waxwick tho, odd.

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1 less pet towards 1800 pets achi thanks for nothing blizz. How hard is it to just spawn the damn pet, you know it’s an issue coz u removed it from the meta achievement??? That is some lazy intern work right there.

Blizzard removing the pet from the achievement IS NOT GOOD. This means they don’t have plans to fix it. Pet collectors that didn’t collect this pet are now just behind.

Edit: Umbral Amalgams ARE spawning now during the dark phase. I JUST caught one. (Day 2 of 11.0.7)

Unfortunately, I still didnt receive Waxwick (the pet from Khaz Algar Safari achievement). I did relog and double check my mail. I completed the achievement yesterday because they removed the Umbral amalgam but now it seems that Waxwick isn’t being rewarded correctly.

Okay, maybe not good in the long run. I was just getting plain frustrated with it.