I reported this as well:
An affliction warlock is unable to complete their quest to get their artifact weapon because the quest requires the use of spells they don’t have access to, and pets they don’t have yet. Such as Demonic Gateway and the felhunter.
There is no work around, while the quest suggests the gateway the player is unable to cast or even use a loaner gateway.
The alt in question is level 12.
But it looks like a lot of the artifact quests have similar issues:
This is a post about several issues that I have come across
The druid order hall after completing the artifact quest is impossible to return to without jumping from Dalaran to run back. This is due to not getting Dreamwalk from the quest you were supposed to get it
The Fury Warrior artifact quest only gives a single two handed weapon despite it originally being two weapons and it being a dual-wield class
The druid skill books obtained from Lorelae Wintersong in the moonglade or Amurra Thistled…
The subtlety rogue artifact scenario “Fangs of the devourer” requires you at some point to Pick Pocket a demon, however you don’t get Pick Pocket until level 24 and you can start this scenario at level 10 as soon as you get to Legion Dalaran. This breaks the experience for a Subtlety Rogue who wants to level up using the Timewalking campaign on the broken shore since you cannot get your artifact weapon.
Almost all of these are skill related and blocked behind level. Unfortunately quite a few aren’t ‘skippable’ in any way shape or form because they block orderhall unlock.
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