EDIT: Skeram
Looking to reserve names on Whitemane at this moment. Should have a pretty decent crew going with us. Alliance - PvP realm
EDIT: Skeram
Looking to reserve names on Whitemane at this moment. Should have a pretty decent crew going with us. Alliance - PvP realm
I used to play a human pally named Kiljoy. Was in Exodus on Uldum and played on my druid in Repeat Offender and tanked for So Fresh in WOTLK.
Other Character names, Cortank, Cortweek, Classamana
hi. i was Garycoleman and Flanagan on CovertOps and Orphans of Stormwind.
i still am those two characters, i am just out on Hydraxis now.
how’s it going.
Hey, I played a nelf druid in vanilla named Kru. Some friends & I are going to play casually on probably the Myzrael server Alliance side.
You’re the first alliance name I remember. I used to melee you on my orc hunter (Nekroar) all the time lol. I had a black panther pet.
Elemental Lieutenants, what is going on Kru . Used to play as Rifern, Night Elf Druid back in the day. Pretty much spent my time just sitting outside of Ironforge dueling.
Rolling with a gaming clan that was large in Secret World Legends on Whitemane. Shoutout for the Beekeepers.
Hey guys my name was Naqi on Uldum was a warrior, in Vanilla I was in guilds like Veritas Aequitas and then towards BC Imperium, Kill Loot Repeat, Moskau
Knights of Valor anyone? I played my Druid! Names that I remember are: Eradicate, Rikkimaru and Moonphase.
We used to sit on the pillars on the bridge outside the ironforge bank together. Probably some of the most romantic moments of my life. - Kiljoy
My dude. Good to see you around. Some of my fondest WoW memories were getting you tank dumb stuff for me like pugging Kael/Vashj for the Hand of A’dal title.
Interesting I think I remember Miscreation
Djoshe! Man it’s been so long
Close! My dad is Bhall. The warrior tank for Shadow Riders. He changed his warriors name to Hydragos later on.
Kley! What is up my man! You getting on the classic train? I must warn you, there’s no other stop planned on the route, once you get on you’re committed!
Come say hi on SKERAM (changed from Whitemane)
I had a hunter named Lazyfisher and a ret paladin named Swatmeat.
I had two friends I remember. Vinny and Drew. I can’t remember your character names at all.
I played as Seye, human paladin. I raided with A F K and various other guilds. Missing my boys Stormwatcher and Aubergine. My dad played Chickmagnet and Healdude mainly. HMU classic hypee
Same Here. 2nd tier DPS (there to help level and gen pots and flasks) in most of the above guilds. (Kyrell, human mage that was always grinding herbs and transmutes while cooking IRL while guild chat lurking.)
Kyrell, human mage. Often guildless, some time in Repeat Offender, Band of the Brothers, etc. Hacked account means no friends list. Many alts - Sleestak (Human Warlock) and Effing (NE Hunter) were frequent flyers. I’m looking for anyone who remembers one of the potion/flask guys.
Go go Shadow Riders!!
Sad excuse for a resto druid here. Wont remember me, but i remember you lol
Which realm are you going with hun?
I am Theonis, a male human mage. “Scorch, it’s hot.”
I was in Moonwell Dancers pre-BC with Prym (short name) as my class lead.
I’m also looking for Lorineth (Lori), a female night elf druid, longtime member of Union, before that NovaDivine.