Uldum Alliance Reconnections

This is my original toon, was named Allisanna, and originally Alliance. Was part of Killer Instinct. Sanguinary (Warlock) was the GM. Good friends with her and Nutarius (Druid). The entire guild moved over to Blades’ Edge when BC came out.

Hi! I haven’t played in a very long time but I’m going Horde in Classic with some friends!

Any other old Machiavellis Cat peeps out there? :slight_smile:

Hexik and I are runnin horde. Creating a new guild. For old folks. LOL

All of us Vanilla players will be using up all the old-folks homes internet to play!


Heyo! Not sure if any folks here remember me but I used to play as Alinnarel, a Night Elf Hunter from the guild Hero. Nice blast from the past to see some people and guilds I recognize in this thread :slight_smile:

I’ll be playing Horde this time around, but would love to catch up with some of the old Uldum crew and maybe see each other in game.

Hi! :smiley: I played as Florae (60 NE Druid) in Vanilla. I was in Elendili of Imladris, Union and Scootypuff Jr. I’d love to connect with some old friends in Classic!


Djoshe reporting in!

Raided with KOTU and Shadowstryke, pvped with Tout and Falk among others.

I’ll be rolling on a classic PVP server with Falk, Tout, and the boys. Still figuring the details of exactly where out but always down to chill and remember the good ole days with my Uldum peeps.

Message me on Discord if you’re interested in going alliance PVP server, or just want to chat. There’s a decent discord where we all hang out. Dj#6070

16 days my friends… 16 days.

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Ox, shoot me a message and we can all get in touch. I haven’t heard from Heroz or anyone recently, but Tout and Falk are still around gaming!

Discord user: Dj#6070

Azurelol here, formerly of Shadowstryke, Adrastus and Chosen.

I’ll be coming out of retirement to once again neglect my family and help Make Azeroth Great Again.

I’ll be running with a fair few friends from Classic (and otherwise) on Arugal (Aussie PVP). Hit me up on Critmang#6605 if you want to come join, or just want to catch up!


Hihi Bloo here, was in Union for a while and did lots of BGs earlier on. Was planning on a Horde PVP server but could be down to make some alliance characters wherever ye oldies end up!

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Hey, I’m pretty sure we played together. I had to quit pretty early on in TBC.
We were in Dawning Nemesis and Anubis. Played a lot with a dwarf warrior named Hammerx from what i remember

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Yep that all rings a bell! Glad to see you are coming back to play. I’ll be on Pagle or Mankrik, I haven’t decided yet.

Hey hey, mained a rogue (Vanyx) from vanilla through end of wotlk. I remember seeing a good portion of the names in this thread around. Will be great to see you all again!

(Played in various guilds through my time on uldum - Repeat Offender, Moskau, Hybrid)

I remember so many of you, can’t wait to start the grind once again :smiley:

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could someone post the Uldum Vanilla Discord? asking around on Uldum doesn’t seem to be working. Thanks!

A couple friends and I are going Faerlina or Herod. Taking the pvp route this time around.

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I remember you! The main names I remember are Des, Nicktc, Azzurus, Irchrisr, and Zarias. I’m sure if I saw more names they’d pop into my memory too. The guild was pretty big at one point.

Wow, can’t believe you’re still playing! You probably don’t remember this at all, but I have one memory of you. On my human warrior Coyjo, I was in Western Plaguelands doing the quest to kill that Lich in the middle of the undead town. Had a group together but you came in out of nowhere with your Sulfuras and helped bring him down.

At least I’m 99% sure that was you lol

What server are all the old Uldum folks rolling on? I was planning on rolling PVP this time around but if I can play with a bunch of old recognizable names then a PVE wouldn’t be so bad.

Hey, Alli, it’s leythg, I off tanked MC with killer instinct and joined for BC later.

Yep , I recall when you were in Knights of Vegemite. I had a pally in there way back. Also used to pvp with Olaef and others

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