Uldum Alliance Reconnections

This is crazy. I remember like all of you and your guilds. I never did end game or anything serious cause my computer was trash and I was on dial up since it was my only option. But I remember seeing all of you around.

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Kraft - night elf hunter.
I used to play in Mana Users Anonymous.
Looking to connect with any old guildies, or anyone who remembers my main!

My original character was a Human Warlock named Kever
I raided with DSH (Dark Side of Hell?)
I remember Merlins, Killermaxx, Stonedone and his wife. ( sorry I can’t remember a character name )
I was 11 or 12 at the time and you guys rocked.

This is my original character. I was also in limited and Adrastus. I see a few names already in here I remember if anyone wants to hit me up. bnet is starias#11247

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Old Elements here (before changing guilds then servers) Did raid MC etc with you guys , Cherrysoul, Gnome Warlock :smiley:


Hordemaster rings a bell, pretty sure we PVP together, WSG etc? Maybe even camp fired in the middle? That should jog your memory if so :wink:

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Hi Starias. Kleptoria fron Elendili. Good to see you back!

I played with Hordemaster (orc warrior) too, I had a Troll Warrior named Zyh. Back in the days when Kang the Decapitator was the best weapon before Arcanite Reaper was a thing.

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Pinetop NE Druid. Any Insignia guys out there!?

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Dagoman here from Elendili of Imladris! What an awesome guild with awesome memories.

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bwhaha Talisken/Cinnabun on da house! and PS… it was always Sterline pulling those mobs on the raids!! :wink:

Timshelyn, played night elf druid with guild < Frantic >.

Yes yes of course i remember you, and you also had a rogue twink (sharpness) we did arenas with.

Your dad is bleddyn (sp?) the hunter. :smiley: How could I forget.

Couldn’t have been me. Maybe it was somebody’s starfall. At least that’s the story I tried pedaling in ICC

good old days, looking forward to many more :smiley:

hey i remember you i played a druid named Miscreation. Me, and some friends from uldum back in the day are playing classic together.

I was a Human Warrior by the name of Coyjo, in the True Legends guild.

Warcraft realms dot com still has the old school data. I found out last night. If you can remember your characters names from way back yonder you can find old guild/realms and the guild members at that time :slight_smile:

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Beany from Elements still plays, well from what I could see on warcraft realms > armory. Rogue.

Everyone else seems to have not been on since mid 2000’s fluffybunny etc :frowning: