This is crazy. I remember like all of you and your guilds. I never did end game or anything serious cause my computer was trash and I was on dial up since it was my only option. But I remember seeing all of you around.
Kraft - night elf hunter.
I used to play in Mana Users Anonymous.
Looking to connect with any old guildies, or anyone who remembers my main!
My original character was a Human Warlock named Kever
I raided with DSH (Dark Side of Hell?)
I remember Merlins, Killermaxx, Stonedone and his wife. ( sorry I can’t remember a character name )
I was 11 or 12 at the time and you guys rocked.
This is my original character. I was also in limited and Adrastus. I see a few names already in here I remember if anyone wants to hit me up. bnet is starias#11247
Old Elements here (before changing guilds then servers) Did raid MC etc with you guys , Cherrysoul, Gnome Warlock
Hordemaster rings a bell, pretty sure we PVP together, WSG etc? Maybe even camp fired in the middle? That should jog your memory if so
Hi Starias. Kleptoria fron Elendili. Good to see you back!
I played with Hordemaster (orc warrior) too, I had a Troll Warrior named Zyh. Back in the days when Kang the Decapitator was the best weapon before Arcanite Reaper was a thing.
Pinetop NE Druid. Any Insignia guys out there!?
Dagoman here from Elendili of Imladris! What an awesome guild with awesome memories.
bwhaha Talisken/Cinnabun on da house! and PS… it was always Sterline pulling those mobs on the raids!!
Timshelyn, played night elf druid with guild < Frantic >.
Yes yes of course i remember you, and you also had a rogue twink (sharpness) we did arenas with.
Your dad is bleddyn (sp?) the hunter. How could I forget.
Couldn’t have been me. Maybe it was somebody’s starfall. At least that’s the story I tried pedaling in ICC
good old days, looking forward to many more
hey i remember you i played a druid named Miscreation. Me, and some friends from uldum back in the day are playing classic together.
I was a Human Warrior by the name of Coyjo, in the True Legends guild.
Warcraft realms dot com still has the old school data. I found out last night. If you can remember your characters names from way back yonder you can find old guild/realms and the guild members at that time
Beany from Elements still plays, well from what I could see on warcraft realms > armory. Rogue.
Everyone else seems to have not been on since mid 2000’s fluffybunny etc