Ulduar nerfs would be welcome with ToC

The ulduar nerfs are you gearing in heroic toc gear.

whats a nerf going to do for burnout? There is nothing. Like i said in a previous post, just ask for a vendor with loot already on there

Your solution to everything is to nerf it? You realize that doesn’t actually make you any better right? It’s just an illusion. Oh wait I remember you now… In the mountains

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No it just means you didn’t use next raid tier gear to get your first uld kill. But nice try.

Nerf doesn’t help burnout, but it helps organizers to fill in fresh blood to replace those who have burnt out (and most likely, geared).

ULD 25HM isn’t hard, but it is hard with 3-5 new people, and many encounters are not fault tolerant.


Get gear from TOGC, Ulduar will become easier that way, nerf bat not needed. Welcome to RPGs 101.

Most guilds run 4-5 healers and maybe a few standbys that have been loyal… unless you have 6 legendary healing weapons in tote you owe it to THEM to continue Ulduar well into phase 3… That weapon remains BiS this entire expansion.

And honestly, most of the guilds that are hitting brick walls would probably welcome a difficulty drop. At this point they’d need to replace large chunks of their roster to get past what they haven’t killed yet.

It wasn’t even that they nerfed tier 5 too fast. It was that they didn’t give any warning to it. Had blizzard been like “welcome to pre-nerf Ulduar, nerfs will hit May 1st” there wouldn’t be any real complaining when it happened from folks feeling the rug pulled out from under them.

That requires surprise.

More annoying is that they could have both forms in simultaneously with titan runes and let players toggle the tunings.

Doesnt need nerfs. If you still are not clearing either your having roster issues, which a nerf wont change, or you are not doing the fights correctltly. Ulduar has already been nerfed with the 252 gear. Ill never understand peoples constant need for everything to be as easy as possible.

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I do not think it needs a nerf, but if they were to nerf anything i think most of the nerf should be focused on the trash, cutting down the clear time. Then maybe a few touch up nerfs to bosses for things that seem to be the soar spot for struggling guilds.

Examples would be nerfing mimaron phase 2 damage output by reducing the aoe flame pulse damage 10-20%. Or nerfing the pulsing damage of tantrum on XT by a few percent of max health damage.
Basically nerf the unavoidable damage so that its easier to survive those parts, but mechanics still need to be respected.

You’d be surprised what the intended 30% weaker fights would do for people’s ability to do many of those hard modes.

They should have been put in. Ulduar isn’t relevant anymore. Keeping it harder than ToC is just bizarre.

That is what the nerfs to those fights did.

Tantrum became 8 seconds instead of 12.

Mimiron does less damage (I believe it was about 30% in hard mode).

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Thats literally the reason they buffed the ilvl of the ulduar gear in the first place.

This is an interesting perspective. While I suppose that in the short term (first week or so), I can see the appeal of wanting to make Ulduar a face roll for farming shards, but I’ve never liked the idea of nerfs.

There will naturally be nerfs to older content as our characters gain better and more powerful gear. Also, it allows people to put together new raid groups that progress at their own pace.

Having achievements (or maybe even loot tables) that encourage using ilvl appropriate gear for an instance can keep older content relevant longer, and imo, that’s much more fun than obsoleting it by making it too easy and no longer worth bringing a main to.

No… They buffed the ilvl because the pre-nerf hard modes dropping 232 ilvl gear would have made there be no reason to bother.

They also wanted to close the gap between Ulduar and ToC gear so that we would keep going back.

They also tuned some things beyond pre-nerf tuning to account for the higher ilvl (like Algalon).

Guilds have to be able to do the hard modes in order for the hard mode gear to “nerf” them in the first place. The only people benefitting from 252 gear are the guilds able to clear the bosses without it.

The bosses should have been nerfed. Now they are just harder than ToC hard modes for worse gear, but have fun running it for Val’anyr shards!

If you cant down the hm then you dont deserve the hm loot. Its pretty simple. Shouldnt be nerfing it to assure you can do so. Play your char better, join a better guild, something. Players need to get better not content get easier.


The hard mode was never intended to be that hard in the first place.

That’s why Blizz handed you 245 ilvl gear before asking you to do that level of tuning back in the original wrath.

I disagree, Ulduar does not need nerfs, the hardmodes were challenging and fun for most of the phase. At this point they have become quite easy already with the level of gear people have.

Nerfing it would make it an absolute bore and being forced to run it in a nerfed state next phase would probably make me quit WoW tbh. I couldn’t handle more Molten Snore level content. Not to mention people will want me to carry their crappy alts through it now that it’s nerfed, ugh.

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You think everyone has the 252 ilvl gear or that people can easily get it if they are having issue’s clearing HM’s to begin with. So saying “oh it’s nerfed eith 252 ilvl gear” does not mean anything when the players can’t get to that gear point at all.

And it shouldn’t take a whole extra raider toer to be able to nerf it down with gear it should be after that tier has ended it is nerfed or if it is proving to be overtuned.

To be fair, the place will be properly tuned as a current raid now that 245 gear will be the norm.

But it should have been nerfed before now, because Ulduar isn’t the current tier in a few weeks.

Blizz screwed up with Ulduar tuning in a misguided attempt to make it last 2 phases.

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They won’t do it, but as alternatives to boss nerfs they could:

  1. Add ports to Vezax, Hodir, Alg as those particular runbacks are a timesink
  2. Activate a few skips: make Conservatory/Antechamber/Spark ports always active
  3. Reduce trash
  4. Extend alg timer

They could also just nerf boss health and not dmg/mechanics, or nerf normals but not HM/alg. There’s a lot of room to be creative that would take out the things people are bored to tears with, while leaving the relative difficulty of the HM encounters unchanged.

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