Just run the new Gamma Dungeons.
This is a good compromise well done Blizz.
I don’t think this was a good change and the fact that a good majority of the population does GDKP whether they want to or not, those people spent hundreds of thousands of gold for some of these pieces that are now free for a day of heroics. More specifically comets trail and flare.
the gold returned to the community. it’s a good thing. it ensures the wealth of the server.
Heard you like dungeons, so how about some dungeons with your dungeons.
They couldn’t even be bothered to buff old raids drop rate and do this
Well that and ulduar got to be relevant 2 cycles. More than it had the first time.
Lol… So because some fools spent their gold on GDKP Blizz should keep them gated behind irrelevant content? Nah let the noobs have some fun…
That’s actually the most amazing part about this change.
No, giving noobs gear they didnt earn is how we got retail.
It just makes it funnier when their coping is gone and they realize that the gear wasn’t what was holding them back from clearing content.
I feel like back in the old days people might have some something about welfare epics, but not so much in 2023.
Love that Flare got added, can finally have good trinkets.
that’s good.
Tier 9 was the worst tier in WoW’s 20-year history.
What about the rich lore Ulduar has to offer huh? But yea, this is a growing trend, quick loot is what everyone wants, mostly.
What a cringe thing to whine about lmfao
My guild has cleared alg and yogg 0 every week for over 6 months as some people still don’t have flair, cope more pay piggy.
Some confuse RNG with work.
Its not work, its playing a slot machine at some point. By about run 8…people should be settled in. then it is a slot machine. Pull the lever, pull the level, pull the…
4 months in? They can probably run it drinking (even more alcohol) while eating finger food like a hot pocket or something lol.
Retailers know this well too. I had 6 hunters run Yogg 3 months straight for a mog for a pair of pants. That is solo. All loot to me only. No drop.
It was plate nights I hated the most. RNG dropped all the plate 6 hunters could (n)ever want lol.
Wait, are we seriously arguing now for how the GDKPers earned their gear?
Maybe you should go ask your GDKP leaders for a refund
I think something was lost along the way, Ulduar was clearly supposed to be nerfed rather than this.
Otherwise, why add this achievement?
Salty tears yum!
On one hand I’m happy I will have no longer to do Ulduar and wish they would add Scale of Fates and Hearth of Iron so we can really stop.
Oh the other hand, invalidating older raids is what lead to retail and “play the patch, not the xpac”, and made content completely irrelevant…
I mean, any new player joing the xpac today, there is nobody that will run old raids, it’s go farm dungeons fool and ICC or bust. I will still doing Karazhan on alts when Sunwell was current, or ZA… well, I have mixed feelings.