Ulduar Nerfs No Longer Matter - Ulduar 25m HM from Gamma dungeons

Well to those gdkpers I say…ha ha

Yep, no longer need to do Ulduar 25 except for achieves … and good riddance!

It was my favourite raid but I’ve done it to a point of aversion therapy levels of revulsion!


this is the sole reason i love this changes

jk i love it for more reasons but thats the top tier

I always liked Ulduar from an aesthetic and lore perspective.

It’s far from my favorite raid to actually run repeatedly. The higher tuning made me like it less as it put more emphasis on the stupid RNG aspects of it like rune of power / death cast timings…


Yeah same - love the norse gods theme.

As for the higher tuning - it was fine initially. I quite like rng in fights. But after say a month it gets old fast.

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I like RNG to an extent. It keeps the boss from being the exact same experience from week to week.

It just needs some limits to keep it from having an outsized impact on if the boss is doable or not on that attempt.

Ulduar didn’t really have those limits.

I remember this garbage thought in OG wrath. Swipe your CC to cope more

fine change, if folks want to farm gammas then let them. others dont feel like it when they’ll be running ICC on multiple characters each week

Maybe if GDKP was an in game Blizz system you would have some ground to stand on here.

May as well complain about the dollars some lost on gold sites too.

Sucks to suck

NO, making gear relevant based on how much gold was spent on it is how we got to retail.

I’m sure Valanyr prices went way down the moment they upped the drop rate in P3 too. Ultimately you pay for the prio, getting it earlier in the phase mean you parse more for those who care about such things.

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This is a good compromise to combat GDKP culture, but we still need the nerfs to the raid. Considering every 2h melee DPS can get their BiS weapon on NORMAL, we should allow the healers to get their BiS (or near for some classes/I think heroic trauma is better for AOE heals, but don’t quote me) on NORMAL as well!

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You know what would be an amazing combat move against gdkps? Just remove raids completely put all the gear on the vendor.

If players didn’t want to do GDKP, then they wouldn’t do GDKP. Furthermore, if they cared about their money, they wouldn’t be spending it on GDKP in the first place. They won’t even care about this change. They paid to get the items sooner, and they did. That’s what they care about. It was also obvious from P3 that P4 would do something similar to sidereal selling hard mode items, so it’s not like no one saw this coming. If you continued to buy items in P3, after sidereal was put in, that’s on you.

If buying gear with tokens isn’t “earning” it then neither is buying it with gold.

Or you could simply stop going to the GDKP raids. If no one went to them, then there would be no GDKP raids.

This does seem the counter the point of a 20 month Ulduar phase and ilvl bump to make it more “relevant” when now in ICC its been made as irrelevant as it possibly can be, through #somearbitrarychanges

Man this private server team, buffing ferals to #1 overall and rets to #2 melee, and handing out 252 hard mode trinkets like candy for a day or two of 5 man dungeons is just huh?

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The buffs to Ulduar gear was only to make Ulduar remain relevant during TOGC NOT during ICC.


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