Ulduar in 7.3.5 and farming Mimiron's Head

01/20/2018 08:08 AMPosted by Verbatim
01/20/2018 07:50 AMPosted by Nushash
someone said that the bosses will either drop 25 man loot or 10 man loot.

so you have to get lucky on the final boss that he will drop 25 man loot and then luckier still that he drops the mount.

if this is true, it means the chance for the mount to drop has been halved.

can blizz change it so that the bosses drop any loot from either 25 or 10 man (meaning you could get both 10 man and 25 man loot from a single boss kill)?


It is still a 1% drop. Why do you guys feel like this is more complicated than it is?

because someone said a boss will drop 10 man OR 25 man loot. The head is on the 25 man table. So if this is a true statement then you only have a 1% chance if, when you kill the boss, it drops 25 man loot on that kill.
01/20/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Nushash
01/20/2018 08:08 AMPosted by Verbatim


It is still a 1% drop. Why do you guys feel like this is more complicated than it is?

because someone said a boss will drop 10 man OR 25 man loot. The head is on the 25 man table. So if this is a true statement then you only have a 1% chance if, when you kill the boss, it drops 25 man loot on that kill.
Please go look at the revamped loot tables. That's not how it works.
01/18/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Lenthellann
I just contacted the GM of OP's guild. He's pretty embarrassed by Elenaril's behavior in this thread and will be guildless shortly.
And people said I was the one being mean. LOL
01/20/2018 11:23 AMPosted by Thallia
01/20/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Nushash

because someone said a boss will drop 10 man OR 25 man loot. The head is on the 25 man table. So if this is a true statement then you only have a 1% chance if, when you kill the boss, it drops 25 man loot on that kill.
Please go look at the revamped loot tables. That's not how it works.

what you see in the dungeon guide isn't the loot table. we cant actually see loot tables.
01/20/2018 11:30 AMPosted by Nushash
01/20/2018 11:23 AMPosted by Thallia
...Please go look at the revamped loot tables. That's not how it works.

what you see in the dungeon guide isn't the loot table. we cant actually see loot tables.
... what?
So it reset my saved lockout, have to redo the entire raid again instead of using my extend...

Get in on first boss, and FL is crashing me out every time. Get about 30s into the fight and it just closes down wow. No error, no DC, just shuts it.

Yay. Guess no Mim's head farming for me this week. Hope the other old raids aren't similarly bugged.
01/18/2018 10:48 AMPosted by Elenaril
01/18/2018 10:40 AMPosted by Skymane
... it'll be 1%,no way they make mimirons head out of the blue guanteed a decade after the raid has been current

Here's the thing, though: they've removed our ability to farm it at 1%, that's gone entirely.

So if I'm forced to run it at scaled content, and it's quite a long raid - not just a dungeon, but a raid - random people are going to screw it up when it comes to having 0 keepers... or they'll fail on Yogg and drop group. Doing Yogg with no keeper help is similar to a hard mode if you're scaled for the content. So why not make it guaranteed, given all of this? It was originally, and nerfed to 1% when ppl started farming.

I'd vastly prefer having the old 25+0 available to me on farm, even at 1%, so I don't have to worry about what other random players will do.

tl;dr: "i would much rather have something be painfully easy as opposed to having to work for it"
I'm not so much concerned about the mount, my main thing is trying to figure out how the drops work since the 10 man and 25 man was combined. I just went through on my Paladin and thought I was set for 10 man but was getting mostly 25 man drops. I just found out about the merge recently.

I'm trying for the 10 man paladin set and I'm worried about how the drops are going to work now. I don't mind running it, I just wish to make sure I get the correct drops for my set.
all i know is it does drop because after 2 years farming it right after patch my very first run it droped for me
01/18/2018 10:39 AMPosted by Elenaril
01/18/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Noserverdown
It drops, dont worry. Dropped for me on 2nd run after patch.

Guaranteed drop every time, or 1%?

.01% more like it.
did this guy ever figure out the difference between timewalking and wrath ulduar
Ok there have been so many questions and so many answers that is has become impossible to get a straight answer. From what I gather the mount has the same drop rate in 10 man as in 25 man. Is that correct?
10/11/2018 11:42 AMPosted by Donnamarie
Ok there have been so many questions and so many answers that is has become impossible to get a straight answer. From what I gather the mount has the same drop rate in 10 man as in 25 man. Is that correct?

there is no 25 man they made all the tiers the same.
you can not set it to 25 man at all.
timewalking is different and yes the mount is still dsropping
I got it on the bmah for 600k