Ulduar in 7.3.5 and farming Mimiron's Head

01/18/2018 11:18 AMPosted by Pärker
And what does Timewalking have to do with you farming for Mimiron's head? Oh right... NOTHING.

Says the person insulting me for suggesting that it was still there and wasn't tied to timewalking before the Blue Confirmed and that you 'wouldn't put it past them to make it only obtainable in Timewalking'.

You seem to use knowledge to abuse people Thallia. You might want to stop insulting people just because you know something. Wouldn't hurt. The person was confused and instead of merely pointing it you, you go the extra distance.

Thank you for this. That particular blue post wasn't 100% clear on this specific issue and later posts in that thread also seemed to understand that the blue might be talking about timewalking Ulduar.
01/18/2018 11:11 AMPosted by Elenaril
01/18/2018 10:55 AMPosted by Levíathan
...The loot tables of 10-man and 25-man are now combined as part of the consolation.

If that's true, and you can get Mim's Head from 10+0 farming, great. Where did you see this? If you have a blue post, would love to see it.

Did you not see the blue post I copied above? Anyway, calm down. It. is. still. available. And not just via Timewalking.
I noticed that Drape of Mortal Downfall, which drops from the Iron Council, only shows up in the loot table when set to Timewalking. Last transmog item I need from ol' Ulduar, too! Hopefully a bug as well.
01/18/2018 10:39 AMPosted by Elenaril
01/18/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Noserverdown
It drops, dont worry. Dropped for me on 2nd run after patch.

Guaranteed drop every time, or 1%?

What do you think, considering he said he got it on his second run?
Seriously Thallia...

Enjoy your vacation.

And I would beg to differ, it's people that belittle others and display immature bursts of primary school anger that contribute to a horrible community.
01/18/2018 12:36 PMPosted by Eyrinjia
01/18/2018 11:11 AMPosted by Elenaril
If that's true, and you can get Mim's Head from 10+0 farming, great. Where did you see this? If you have a blue post, would love to see it.

Did you not see the blue post I copied above? Anyway, calm down. It. is. still. available. And not just via Timewalking.

Yes, I acknowledged your blue post... however, out of context it was unclear whether or not that blue was talking about the live 7.3.5 version of the squished-together 10 and 25 -or- if they were talking about the upcoming timewalking version.

In any case, I have gone outside this forum to other sources in order to confirm that a player did indeed have it drop for them in live 7.3.5 10+0 which is the specific issue I was asking about.

Thanks for your attempt at clarifying things, however. In future, though, please don't assume that posts expressing irritation mean that a player needs to "calm down"... particularly when there are other posts from nasty trolls trying to push buttons hanging around in the thread.
01/18/2018 12:45 PMPosted by Breakbeat
Seriously Thallia...

Enjoy your vacation.

And I would beg to differ, it's people that belittle others and display immature bursts of primary school anger that contribute to a horrible community.

Not even worth responding to. Please troll elsewhere.
01/18/2018 12:49 PMPosted by Elenaril
In future, though, please don't assume that posts expressing irritation mean that a player needs to "calm down"... particularly when there are other posts from nasty trolls trying to push buttons hanging around in the thread.

Says the person who just told someone to, and I quote:

...take your nasty attitude and GFY repeatedly, kthxbye.
01/18/2018 12:45 PMPosted by Breakbeat
Seriously Thallia...

Enjoy your vacation.

And I would beg to differ, it's people that belittle others and display immature bursts of primary school anger that contribute to a horrible community.

All I gotta say is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DmYLrxR0Y8

No, no rickrolls. Double extra special Goblin Warlock promises.
01/18/2018 12:45 PMPosted by Breakbeat
Enjoy your vacation.

And I would beg to differ, it's people that belittle others and display immature bursts of primary school anger that contribute to a horrible community.

Not even worth responding to. Please troll elsewhere.

M8te, quite a fit of histrionics in this thread. You dun got called on it. Be the bigger BElf, granted hard given the size of a Tauren, but just walk away and let it go.
OP, I suggest becoming informed first before making complaints and randomly going off at people.

lmao or not, it is funny tbh
just out of curiosity, anyone who had these lockouts work for you. Were they extended lock outs from last week? because as of now, dragon soul and ulduar both do not work for me. so my only thought is maybe if you had an extended lock out from last week, it can still be used.
01/18/2018 10:48 AMPosted by Elenaril
Here's the thing, though: they've removed our ability to farm it at 1%, that's gone entirely.


i literally just did ulduar this week

are you intentionally being ignorant?
Some funny peeps here but I did get the info I was insearch of. Thanks for the entertainment and clearing up the 10-25 squish.
01/18/2018 10:39 AMPosted by Elenaril
01/18/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Noserverdown
It drops, dont worry. Dropped for me on 2nd run after patch.

Guaranteed drop every time, or 1%?


i do not get this post.

i solo'd Ulduar with very little effort, total cakewalk.

still no head tho
it doesnt look like you can skip to min from portal at the start like you could do before.
no a big deal just take a tiny bit longer.
looks like they fixed the group lockout skip too.
someone said that the bosses will either drop 25 man loot or 10 man loot.

so you have to get lucky on the final boss that he will drop 25 man loot and then luckier still that he drops the mount.

if this is true, it means the chance for the mount to drop has been halved.

can blizz change it so that the bosses drop any loot from either 25 or 10 man (meaning you could get both 10 man and 25 man loot from a single boss kill)?
01/20/2018 07:50 AMPosted by Nushash
someone said that the bosses will either drop 25 man loot or 10 man loot.

so you have to get lucky on the final boss that he will drop 25 man loot and then luckier still that he drops the mount.

if this is true, it means the chance for the mount to drop has been halved.

can blizz change it so that the bosses drop any loot from either 25 or 10 man (meaning you could get both 10 man and 25 man loot from a single boss kill)?


It is still a 1% drop. Why do you guys feel like this is more complicated than it is?