Why is it that Ulduar completely ignores this setting for loot tables? I’ve been farming Ulduar weekly since roughly the end of September on my priest. I completed the 25-man set, according to my achievements, on the 30th of October. I still have yet to see the 10-man shoulders (and the 10-man set is what I’m after). I’ve been set to 10-man and normal mode for raid settings the entire time, yet all of the bosses drop a mix of lot from both 10-man and 25-man (which was normal and heroic mode, respectively, back in the day).
Like, what’s the point of this raid setting if it’s completely ignored by one of the most significant raids with differential loot between the old legacy sizes? And why the heck is it so dang hard to farm these drops? The shoulders can drop from Thorium and Yogg-Saron, so two chances each week (though Yogg has about double the loot table size of the other bosses), and by my estimates I’ve cleared it at least 20 times so far without seeing it drop. Heck, I farmed up an entire Val’anyr in that time without seeing the shoulders drop. Why is Ulduar so unnecessarily arduous to farm for xmog because of the loot system?
ulduar doesn’t ahve 10 and 25 anymore. They unified the loot table when they made it a timewalking raid. You can get 10 man stuff and 25 man stuff at the same time. Which makes it significantly harder to target a particular item.
10/25 wasn’t normal/heroic; heroic was the “hard mode” stuff, which is still available and triggered by various player actions.
I seem to remember the normal and heroic toggle being used to swap between the sizes back in WotLK, starting with Naxx. I’m almost positive there wasn’t a direct size selection back then, but it was like a decade ago, so I might be mis-remembering. Hard mode back in Ulduar was a different concept, since it wasn’t actually a different mode, but rather a different way of completing the boss fight.
And ya, the difficulty getting specific stuff is my gripe. Like, ok, unify them for Timewalking if you need to. But there’s no reason the old legacy mode of Ulduar can’t honor the legacy raid size setting. That’s literally why that setting exists!
That is correct. That system was in place for the first two raid tiers. Starting with Trial of the Crusader, however, Blizzard moved to the 4 difficulty system (10N, 10H, 25N, 25H).
Another week down, another week with no shoulders. This is straining credulity at this point.
Blizzard, please fix this. There’s zero reason legacy Ulduar should not be obeying the legacy size settings that were specifically implemented for this purpose. Ulduar is among a minority of raids that had multiple distinct raid sizes and differential loot items between them. It’s vital that the raids this is true of obey the legacy size settings.
Bump. Another week down, another week without shoulders. There are 24 items on Thorim’s loot table, and he drops 4 each week, which suggests there are 331,776 permutations of drops and 55,296 permutations with the shoulders I want, which is a 1 in 6 chance of them dropping. And yet it’s now been at least 22 clears without the shoulders dropping. That has less than a 2% chance of occurring.
As far as I’m concerned timewalking raids was a stupid idea to begin with, so the fact it’s causing this problem is just adding insult to injury.
Ulduar and Black Temple were built for coordinated groups using voice chat where people were accountable for their mistakes - i.e. a guild setting. The dungeon/raid finder is none of those things.
Ulduar hard mode loot is literally broken right now. Youll still get the normal loot from the bosses but for example if u kill XT’s heart and then kill him, all you get is gold. Apparently its been broken like this from when 8.0 launched but it was probaly before that. Just not enough people know about it since 10 and 25 man was combined in 7.1.5. The real problem is getting blizzard to notice this.
I believe the issue has been fixed now. I killed XT after killing his heart and actually got loot. Also checked with other hard modes and got bonus loot drops.
Resurrecting this ancient thread because it was all I could find on the subject, and I’m having the same problem a year later farming Ulduar transmog for this exact reason. Why is this the only raid with loot tables merged up like that? Is it because of timewalking? Was there no way to implement that and let loot work in the old raids the way it does everywhere else?
From my understanding… yes, although I cannot tell you specifically why they had to change the loot to accommodate this. However, the reason why WotLK raids are the only raids affected by this is because they’re the only raids with specific 10m loot. Firelands and Black Temple have one standard set of loot for their normal difficulty.
I will say, farming the shoulders on my paladin for 10m Ulduar was not that difficult or seem extraordinarily different than any other raid. They had a chance to drop from one specific boss, Thorim, and a token dropped every week. I don’t exactly understand why people think it’s blasphemous or different.
This does not affect other WotLK raids, only Ulduar. I don’t see at all why a timewalking version of the instance should affect the normal version’s loot table or selection. Timewalking already has different loot tables, you can see that clearly in the encounter journal. They easily could have left the old loot tables alone, and let non-timewalking Ulduar continue to honor the legacy raid size setting. WotLK raids are the only ones where that setting is even relevant anyway.
Frankly, I just straight up gave up on getting my priest her shoulders. I think I was at it for 9 months straight before I threw in the towel.
This is just another example of Blizzard not caring about their customers and bulldozing anything in their path in their rush to shove out useless new “features” like these timewalking raids hardly anyone even runs.
I stand corrected, but it does not change the fact that you only have to kill one boss for a token piece that drops a majority of the time. Whether that piece is for your class or not is a different story.
Like I said, I did not have an issue getting the shoulders on my paladin. They drop from one specific boss just like any other piece of gear. It’s not any different RNG than farming a 10M raid.
And to be perfectly honest… anyone who does transmog knows that sometimes you get it and sometimes you just don’t. I’ve killed Lord Rivendare on my priest nearly 200 times without seeing the Robes of the Exalted. You won’t find me complaining about it on the forums though… that’s part of collecting. Get used to it.
I mean… most of this is just confirmation bias at best. Plenty of people run timewalking, including the raids. Just because a change does not suit you does not mean “Blizzard does not care”. You do not know who likes the change and who does not. The only reason you’re making this argument is because you’re salty that a piece of gear doesn’t drop… such is life in wow.
9 months, no drops. There are two separate tier pieces (one for 10m, one for 25m) off that boss, and each one has 3 variants for the different class groups.
Also, you have to kill 4 bosses, as you cannot just teleport directly to Thorim.
Good for you. Excepting legendaries, I’ve never had to farm for anywhere close to 9 months to get a single transmog piece. Ulduar is particularly annoying to get transmogs from, because the loot tables for every boss are twice the size they were before this completely unnecessary change. Thorim drops a total of 27 items since this change. By comparison, most bosses in ICC drop 10-12 items.
Rivendare can be repeatedly killed up to the hourly instance limit. Ulduar is a weekly lockout. Apples and oranges.
Who exactly would like a change that makes transmog harder to farm? The change to non-timewalking Ulduar’s loot table was completely unnecessary even in the context of adding the timewalking version. They already have separate loot tables.
You just have bad luck… it’s not the system. Plenty of tokens drop and they do not drop any differently than any other transmog piece from any other boss.
Yikes… you should probably stop trying to collect things now. If you are not prepared to kill a few one-shottable bosses to get to the one you need, again, there are other issues you need to work out. Anyone who puts in the work for collecting things is most likely cackling at this sentence.
Definitely not apples to oranges and that was not the point I was making. The point, since you missed it, was that sometimes the item does not drop… get over it. Any collector will tell you their troubles with farming, but they typically don’t care because all that matters is getting the item.
We do not know the reasoning behind it… your speculation does not make it a fact.
I don’t understand this mentality… why would you want easily farmable items? I don’t want it to be impossible to farm, but I don’t want things handed to me just because I want it. Some things should be easy to farm, but there needs to be some complexity and RNG involved with items or they lose their prestige. I’m a huge advocate for not making things easy to farm. Despite me feeling the opposite when I’m trying to farm items… that’s just an emotional reaction without principle, much like your post.
My guess the reason is because of the coding. Timewalking raids are flexible raid sizes, so it would’ve been easier for blizzard to simply convert the 10man and 25 man loot tables into one loot table for both “normal” and timewalking versions of Ulduar. Considering that Ulduar is an old raid. You never know, maybe blizzard tried to leave normal level 80 Ulduar alone when they were implementing the timewalking version but it opened up a massive can of worms in the coding. WoW is infamous for a new line of code causing one from 14 years ago to suddenly stop working correctly. It is why bugs pop up in older raids for no reason when blizzard releases a new patch / expansion.
If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t get my Tier 2 warrior pants from Ragnaros until AFTER I got exalted with the MC rep AND had the eye of Sulfuras.
RNG is just RNG.
You only need to kill 3 bosses to get to Thorim. The crazy cat lady is 100% optional. The only reason why you would kill her is to unlock the teleport pad in front of Freya’s room & can teleport straight to Mimiron instead of catching the train.
You do not have to kill Razorscale, Ignis, Iron Council, Crazy cat lady & the obvious hard mode only boss to get to the 4 keepers. After that point you can do the 4 keepers in ANY ORDER. You can start with Mimiron and finish on Hodir.
The 4 included Thorim himself, as a counter to “it’s only killing 1 boss”. You have to kill Flame Leviathan, XT, and Kologarn, minimum, to get to Thorim, so that’s 4 including him.
Still, it’s just such an unnecessary nerf to a transmog farm. How many peeps have even run the timewalking version of Ulduar? How does that compare to peeps transmog farming in it?
And why couldn’t they simply factor the legacy raid size setting into the drop tables? Like, I get spaghetti code. I’m a software engineer myself, and WoW has apparently now had over a million commits of code to it. But throwing old and still quite used features under the bus while pursuing new ones is not good software design practice.
Normally you don’t include the boss you are going after when you are counting how many bosses you need to defeat to get to that boss. Because once you are at that boss, you are at that boss. You don’t arrive at that boss when you kill that boss.