The way UI scaling setting is working has been changed in 11.0, and changed for worse.
Before 11.0 it applied to UI elements you could see once you logged to a character - control bars, chat, etc. That allowed people who were playing on TVs or people with impaired vision to optimize their user experience. It wasn’t perfect - certain in-game windows, such as professions and dragonriding talents, weren’t designed for UI scale > 100% - but it was relatively minor annoyance.
After 11.0 UI scaling affects everything - elements such as escape menu, UI on character selection and character creation screen. And these elements weren’t designed or tested for UI scale different than 100% and looks horrible.
I used to play with UI scale 110%, because I wanted bigger text elements on the screen (quest text, chat, etc), but since yesterday that setting made my UI look horrible and in some cases borderline unusable. For example on my character selection screen some UI elements are overlapping others:
It was reported during the beta and wasn’t addressed.
Screenshot from OP’s post.
I noticed this last night. I use to play at 85% scale, but yeah. After the patch everything is waaaay off.
It’s pretty much Large Type Edition for me on the character selection screen … not really optimal
I have my uiScale set to 0.64, and most things are small, but there’s a bunch of stuff that’s just HUGE. Like it completely ignores the UI scale all together and does whatever it wants.
my ingame menu takes up almost the entire screen.
(and i have to push myself WAAAAY back from the screen to get it to come into focus)
i’m scared i’ll just make it worse if i start messing with settings
I’m not convinced they were designed or tested period. I have 100% UI scale, 100% render scale, a perfectly normal resolution (1920x1080), and the menu and character select screen are incredibly oversized.
Meanwhile the talent window, and now the spellbook, take up the entire screen but all their type is tiny for some reason. I don’t understand it.
Isn’t the interface, even the blizzard stuff, all done in lua?
Would imagine the lack of true classes and inheritance is getting in the way here.
Same problem for me, UI scale set to 100% and the character list is massive now.
from what i saw this morning, I am having the same issues. I wonder if will be able to change it. that way wow is more playable.
i play in 3840x2160 and now everything is very large, i am having to use addons to resize things to be readable/usable.
the problem doesnt seem to be as bad in 4k, but still exsists even using “ui scale” and setting to minimum everything is still too big
yeah inversely i want everything smaller, but the UI scale doesnt reduce the size of stuff.
The Warband character select screen UI elements cover too much of the screen, so I turned on “Use UI Scale” which was previously off. I started at 80% to see what happened and everything got larger. Playing with the slider it seems like UI Scale = 73% matches the scaling with the setting toggled off, and because the lower bound on this slider is “”“65%”“” (sarcastic air quotes) there’s no meaningful way to make the UI elements a reasonable size on my monitor.
It’s like the meaning of percent has an entirely different meaning now.
My eyes!! Blizzard… seriously… no. I need smaller UI… even the menu it hurts.
My experience has been that some UI elements are too big.
Yup. +1 here.
This is my only complaint with pre-patch. Some elements are just massive. My talent window didn’t fill the entire screen 2 days ago.
This right here.
If I make the UI% slider in-game smaller, I can see my 4th warband character as the char column is less thin but changing anything other than the current 85% makes all other fonts and tooltip/spell info descriptions real small and grainy to read.
I wish Blizz would just compress the width slightly on the character select column/list.
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Further experimenting here: I suspect the game is reading the screen dimensions and OS scaling from the OS somewhere, and scaling UI elements relative to that regardless of the window size or game resolution. If you start the game full-screen-windowed and reduce the window size while running, the scaling issue is significantly worse. The list of characters on the char select screen fills 2/3 of the window, and the quit/menu buttons are unclickably huge. This was not the behavior in previous versions (or even the current Classic clients), where resizing the window results in generally-appropriate resizing of elements except for some font issues that were always fixed by a reloadui.
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Man these guys are damn hilarious
. How the hell did all this mess came out like a phew sure but theres slew of them. Some talents aren’t even working for some specs.
I kept looking for a way to fix the overblown UI scaling kept setting to small but the menu with the options edit mode in it just ignores it.
Same issue here, play with 95% ui scale normally and now my login screen and game menu are obnoxiously large. feels terrible