UI scaling is broken

90%, same here.
I can’t disable it, because everything else would be too small then.
That would also ruin my layout.


i’m just saying…they should take the next
48 hours offline…and fix all of this nonsense.
i promise not to demand a sub pro-rata!
during this time, perhaps a few of them could
actually…play…the game…
so they could see the mess they’ve made of several
classes and specs.


I changed the desktop scaling ratio in Windows “Display Settings” from 150% down to 100% (for a hidpi monitor) and all the UI elements in-game scaled down to an approximately-normal size, while maintaining the same size window for WOW.

Blizz clearly changed what sort of window they use in 11.0 since it now behaves well with e.g. Powertoys’ FancyZones and didn’t previously. I think that reading the desktop scaling ratio is incorrect behavior for a game, but it might be an easy fix once they ignore it.

TLDR: For the time being, if you can use your gaming PC at 100% desktop scale instead of a higher ratio (like almost everyone uses for a 4k, 5k, or 8k monitor), you might be able to resolve the huge-UI-elements problem on your own.

In windows 10 it’s right click on desktop → Display Settings → “Change the size of text, apps, and other items”. I don’t have windows 11 to verify where it is there.


It’s little things like now, when I open my bags, they are over top of my action bars on the right of the screen. I keep my mammoth vendor mount over there and have to close everything if I want to use anything on those bars. Just annoying.

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Mine’s already 100% and the main menu still takes up my whole screen. I did notice that they’re NOT huge on my Mac, just on my Windows computer.

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This change has been driving me up the wall. I’ve redone my entire UI a couple times to try and manage it, but there’s no situation where I can get my UI to look normal again. I get the feeling someone made a mistake with this as a whole.


its still broken, please fix this

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Yes same here, on MacOS!!! Please fix!

It’s very concerning to me that Blizz has not acknowledged this as a bug or something to fix at all. Is this an intended change? How is this not the NUMBER ONE most apparent issue out of all the problems with the prepatch, and not worthy of a note in the known-issues thread?

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Still broken, Blizzard pls fix now !

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I am hoping tomorrow’s maintenance fixes alot of these issues. I am patient, but I really hope some of these more painful/game breaking issues are addressed sooner rather than later.

I’d probably pay Blizzard to revert this terrible update.

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I’ve been having this issue ever since the pre-patch and this newest update has NOT helped at all. I use UI scale 100% and everything on character select is just bloated out of proportion. I seriously don’t need the UI growing in the pre-game menu like lord…

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It’s not just the character select screen for me, every UI element totally takes over my entire screen. I’m playing on a 2560x1440 monitor and the UI scale option doesn’t change some of these UI panels enough. My spellbook covers my entire screen so I can’t even put abilities on my action bar even when I reduce UI scale to the lowest

blizzard need to fix this asap

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Action bars should pop up over your spellbook when you click and drag an ability.

It’s definitely an ugly change though.

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It is so BIG and broken than I can’t even accept the Social Contract on 8/12/2024 and log in. I literally cannot even play the game because it is so broken.

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Last update broke the UI scaling even more zzzzzzzz

As a default, I was playing with a UI scale of 85%, (also on 1920x1080).
It was awful to see, and I think that was the default from the prepatch.

I changed to 75%, and it feels ok, but the issue is that now my action bars feel very small and my in-game char portrait is also very small. However the tradeoff is that my character selection screen looks incredibly bloated, and I have the issue of portraits running into each other during the character creation screen as well.

I think this scaling change is at the root of some of the issues I’ve had with the pre-patch. It seems as though the game is meant to be scaled to 65% (the abs. min.) for the benefit of M+/Raider players who use addons such as ElvUI and the like.

So…just pointing out that the UI scaling is STILL broken and not working correctly for me. I have it set to default (presumably 100%), but when I manually change it in the game settings, it’s approximately equivalent to 65%. Every setting I try in the UI scaling is too friggin’ big! At 115% it’s comically unusably big.

Has anyone found any better solutions? Or are there any addons that do the thing that Blizzard’s UI should already be doing?