UI is terrible please give the option to revert to the former one

Sorry, this is neater, cleaner, way easier to organize the way we like things, and it’s shaved an incredible amount of time off my load screens thanks to being able to drop so many memory-hog addons to accomplish pretty much the same stuff.

Move with the times, grandpa.

Thank god new players have a ui they can actually use with the new ui. and not have to rely on an addon


How do you save different party frame loadouts for group of 2, group of 3, group of 10, group of 15 and group of 40? I’m having to edit my frames at the start of every battleground because i can’t save a size for 10man so when a 15 man loads i can’t see my screen and then the frames are annoyingly out of position coming out of the bg with my group of 2

Don’t want to queue for an epic bg and have the size i set in warsong cover my entire screen when i zone into ashran


That is actually really annoying, and would be fixed by Blizz simply giving us the option to make those raid frames “grow left” instead of growing right, the way ElvUI (and probably other similar addons) have allowed us to do for ages now.

But running with your 10-man group slightly further left than you’d like it, so that you’re set up to accommodate the 40-man size, is really the best workaround for now. Try shrinking down the frame maybe to make it take up less space overall so it’ll stay closer to where you want it?

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WoWhead’s guide may not completely undo what Blizz has wrought but it can get you close to the old UI feel.


The problem with setting my frames further is that it takes exponentially longer to mouseover heal/dispel since i use mouseover keybinds in battleground pvp so i’m not keen on that at all, and then it takes your eyes further from what’s happening on screen :confused:

I really liked the old UI having the drop down you could select your presets from >.>


Yeah I agree, this is really the biggest sticking point for me right now and that’s coming from someone who overall likes this UI change.

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Well if you’re going to call me grandpa atleast have the decency to grab my dentures so I can yell at you, you hussie.


It seems to me that the smart way of doing this would have been to keep everything the way it was and have a tutorial box pop up and say “If you would like to change your ui, just use the edit ui option”. Then the people who wanted to keep everything the same would be happy and everyone else could experiment with their new settings.


I’m still using all my UI AddOns except Dominos RIP but Bartender isn’t bad. But I agree the new UI is much much better than the old one.

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New UI is fantastic.


The new ui is a steaming pile of hot garbage.

If I wanted a different ui I would have used add ons, I don’t use add ons and absolutely despise the new ui.


this might help till they get something worked out

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It’s not even that much different, updated textures and buttons.

Choose the “Classic Layout” in edit mode until they give you guys your toggle… smh

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The classic lay out isn’t what we were using last week how many times do all of us that hate this god awful abomination of a ui have to repeat ourselves ?

I have my bars but I despise the new ui and hate add ons and all this new ui Al reminds me of is the screen shots I’ve see of peoples add ons.

I like basic simple to understand not this steaming pile of crap that they served us.


You’ll need to be patient until they give you a legacy toggle or an addon comes along to replicate it.

Sorry you’re having such a hard time understanding it. I hope your day gets better.

I understand it fully I hate it because it looks unfinished it doesnt look like a finished blizzard product the old bars were perfect I liked the HUD and had no issues with the ui this was done to try to help the people that use add ons but in turn screwed all the of the people that don’t use them

And don’t get me started on the art of the gryphons


Oh sorry just assumed otherwise.

The two that stack and a awkward side bar 6 on top 6 on the bottom? Meh 3 centered is better imo, and many others.

Nah, a lot of people like the UI, a lot don’t. A toggle will likely come.

You can turn it off, edit mode ->action bar 1 → disable art.

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Can’t you just make it look like the old one tho ? It’d take like… a couple of minutes dragging bars at most ?

Honestly if this is too much for you just go play something on your phone or wathever…

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The new UI is Awesome