UI does not refresh correctly abandon or new quests

If I try to abandon a quest it does not get removed from the map and the quest tracker from the map.

If I complete a quest and get new quest. The map and quest tracker still shows the old quests and not the new ones.

I can continue playing but it feels like I am playing vanilla without any addon.
The only stopper is when I need to talk to a npc like Thrall to continue the quest as the option does not appear.

The only solution is to reloadUI, but I am TIREDDDD of reloading every 1 minute.

It was working 8 hrs ago.

I already removed addons, updated windows, my graphics card driver is updated, switched to another alt, and I also restarted the PC.

My CPU and RAM is at 50%

What is going on???


Same here and it started this morning. I noticed a few days ago that using the profession +1 +2 +3 items doesn’t add anything to your skill profession. Logging out/in will update things but you would have to all the time. :poop:

Ditto! I’ve tried restarting my PC and undoing recent changes. I’m tempted to try disabling all addons, but it doesn’t seem like a UI issue. I complete a quest, get the rewards, and the minimap still shows the blue area suggesting I’m still on the quest. First noticed the lag when grabbing the final 7th flower on a quest. The objects and the blue area disappeared, but the quest in my log still said 6/7.

Glad I’m not the only one having the issue.

Same. Thought it was Altaholic, UI reset does not help though, clearing cache did help, but eventually found just doing /reload also helped.

did you fix it by clearing cache? how do you that?

Clearing the cache did not work me.

Have the same issue. After completing a quest and accepting the new one, it doesn’t update or show quest objectives. reloading ui works for 1 set of quests and have to do it every time now.

Same is happening for me. I tried to delete my character folder and do some console commands I saw on another post and it seemed to work for like 1 quest, but then it was back to reloading the UI every quest.

You can create a batch file that clears cache every time you start the game .

  1. Open up notepad.
  2. Copy the following and edit the placement of the game:
    (Put it in the right folder and drive)

DIR "d:\games\World of Warcraft_retail_\Cache\WDB\enUS"
DEL “d:\games\World of Warcraft_retail_\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb”
DEL “d:\games\World of Warcraft_retail_\Cache\WDB\enUS\npccache.wdb”
DIR "d:\games\World of Warcraft_retail_\Cache\WDB\enUS"
CALL “d:\games\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft Launcher.exe”

  1. Save the file using notepad to your desktop as wowstart.bat
  2. Click on the icon and open properties, click advanced, and select “start as Administator” this will make it so it always has the highest privileges.
  3. Exit wow and exit the battle.net client - go to task manager to make sure everything is turned off.
  4. Click on the wowstart.bat icon and you will see a dos window pop up quickly that clears the two files and starts battle.net.

Follow this procedure every time you start or every time you get stuck with cache issues.

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This is also affecting world quests. If you go into a world quest area, the wq highlight area is not there, none of the wq mobs are displayed as part of the objective (they just look like regular mobs), and items that would normally show as highlighted dots on the mini map are not there. You must reload while in the area to see them.

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I have this same issue it seems to have just started yesterday or even Saturday late night. I submitted a bug report. It seems to be an account level bug as I’ve tested this on completely different computers and internet locations (home and work). My quests, especially world quests, will not update server to client. Examples, 1. light the braziers in hallowfall needs 3x clicks, it shows me 0/3 but still completes after i click 3x. 2. EVERY world quest I approach will NOT show up on my MiniMap, it shows up in the quest log on the side. When I know i’m in the area i have to /reload for it to show the area on my minimap, everytime. Then after WQ completion it completes, reward is given, but still shows up on the minimap with 0/x objectives complete, until I /reload again. I’ve tested with zero addons, (completely removed interface folders), cleared cache and scan/repaired install. My next step was to reinstall the game, but as it happens identically at work I know it’s an account level issue. I have a friend who had an account level error with his chat settings completely resetting every time he logged in (so I know things like this can be tied specifically to an account, and why it’s not happening to every player)

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Same issue, world quests aren’t updating on the map / screen to show objectives. And I can’t seem to abandon any quests. Constantly having to /reload is really annoying.

Have the same issue. After completing a quest and accepting the new one, it doesn’t update or show quest objectives. reloading ui works but i need to do it every time for a new quest.

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Have the same issue. After completing a quest and accepting the new one, it doesn’t update or show quest objectives. reloading ui works but i need to do it every time for a new quest.

Same issue. I put in a ticket to blizzard and recieved the usual useless troubleshooting guide of “DiD YoU DiSaBlE AdDoNs?” which i mentioned that i already did that in the inital ticket… O also they said to ask the community. looks like we are on our own with this one!

Same exact issue, absolutely nothing fixes it.

Same as above. I feel like I’ve tried everything. This is one of those things where the game is “working” but it’s so annoying it’s basically game breaking. Really hoping this will at least get resolved by restarts.

Yea this is a bad bug, and it seems like it’s been on going for over a day without any real acknowledgement from ActiBlizz.


This started occurring for me as well after they pushed a hotfix during 1h downtime on Sunday morning. Literally need to /reload at every step in a quest. Pretty awful.

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I thought I was going crazy.

had to /reload every step of a quest. Tried everything, complete ui reset (backing up interface folder, WTF folder, cache et… ) Even tried the /console cvar_default commands because I had to try other commands and didnt want to mess it up. uninstalling addons, scanning gamefiles. I even tried the auto tracker commands… nothing worked.

I was about to wipe everything from my drives and start from scratch, but decided to come take a look at the forums to see if other people had this issue right now or if it was just me.

Hopefully they can fix it soon, I’m in the process of clearing all side quests and having to reload ui every 30 seconds is really annoying.
