UI does not refresh correctly abandon or new quests

Also happening to me, I reset my entire UI, tried commands I found online for fixes like /run RemoveTrackedAchievement(GetTrackedAchievements()) but just gives me a LUA error.

Same issue. Quests objective zones on the mini map are not going away after theyā€™ve been completed. The only thing that gets the mini map and quest log cleared is reloading. Very inconvenient

Right click the quest in the map and select abandon. It doesnā€™t disappear when you do it that way.

Same issue here.

If I /reload my game to make the quest area show on the map, it can update as Iā€™m doing the quest. (Like a world quest with multiple requirements.) But then as soon as I complete the quest, the whole quest ā€œblobā€ reappears.

This happens with no addons, after deleting my Cache folder, after renaming my WTF folder to WTF_old.

Same issue here.

If I /reload my game to make the quest area show on the map, it can update as Iā€™m doing the quest. (Like a world quest with multiple requirements.) But then as soon as I complete the quest, the whole quest ā€œblobā€ reappears.

This happens with no addons, after deleting my Cache folder, after renaming my WTF folder to WTF_old.

This started yesterday, September 15.

Same inssue here, Iā€™ve already tried all the tips shared in the post, nothing solves it!

also having the same issue.

Damn, Still an issue, even after realm restarts. I was hoping that a restart or a unannounced fix would have happened.

Just turned in [The Great Vault] quest, and the blue rings in the minimap are still there and the quest is still in my quest log. I was allowed to ā€˜untrackā€™ the quest in the log, so the blue rings are now gone.

After doing awakening the machine and the quests associated with it again after reset, it has fixed the issue for me. Prior to this i deleted every addon, deleted wtf and cache and interface folder, all the usual stuff. It didnt work at all, after hours of troubleshooting i decided to uninstall wow entirely and reinstall. Didnā€™t work. Then I uninstalled, deleted all registry entries for wow, every trace of blizzard products on my pc, I even uninstalled and deleted my gpu driver and started from scratch. Still didnā€™t work. Im not sure if this will work for anyone else but give it a try. Maybe it is somehow related to awakening the machine, i noticed it right after i did it last week.

While the main issue has gone away for me the blue circle is still showing up around all npc that I have quest active with, even ones that are not completed yet. Something is still not quite right.