Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

Maybe she wasn’t as good at her job? Like didn’t she get let go? Maybe she just was bad at her job…


Surprised they were able to keep this quiet as long as they did. Be interesting to see if he can keep the board from canning him.

The fact that Jen wasn’t getting an equal salary, and bailed out, even though Blizz has been “trying” to fix all of this dumpster fire mess they have, wasn’t old.

You trying to blame someone for posting news articles on Blizzard’s bs is cringe, at best. It is also gross.


Who are you?


Looks like you didn’t fully understand my point. My point was it is funny how people like the OP feel the need to rush to the forums ASAP whenever there is anything negative about Blizzard/WoW yet whenever there are positives, these same people don’t seem to want to post those and then just call it all “false info”.

Well, looks like you just signed up for the job there, didn’t ya?


That sounds like a really tone-deaf response. It’s big news, and he posted it. Sorry, but you sound more concerned about OP supposedly looking for negative news. then you are about the actual allegations.


What’s sad is you don’t know about RSS feeds or news alerts based on your interests via apps etc.

That’s sad.



What in the world is this take?


Ok when you drive and your dumb and do it wrong you can wreck lives and kill people.

So we issue a license to make sure people are trained.

So when your In positions of power like management and you do it wrong you can wreck lives and kill people’s livelihoods.

Why no license? Why can’t we revoke their license for being irresponsible jerks while holding the lives of others in their hands.


He’s a known troll, who doesn’t bother reading/comprehending anything. He’s just there to spout stuff out and to try and get a rise out of people.

Best to just ignore.


So much this. :point_up:


Of course he did. CEO’s know of all potential risks to the companies bottom line. It’s their job.

He just chose to be a prick and try to hide it instead of dealing with the problem.


Nobody cares

The stock price would suggest otherwise.


It’ll go back up and surpass what it was prior. People act like this sh!t doesn’t happen in every company.

“The price is wrong, Bobby.”

The rich don’t stay rich by stopping the eating of the poor.

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Sure they do. They amass enough money that their money makes money for them, before the poor decide to start eating the rich because the rich had too much.

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So first thing, did he ever say he didn’t know? I honestly don’t remember.

Just because he knew about it doesn’t mean he didn’t think that corrections weren’t taking place as well. Doesn’t mean there were either though.

The stock price is what it is, it goes up and down. It’ll go back up again someday, but it’s having an effect today for sure.

A change at the top is possible I believe, but don’t think it’s anything more than a PR move at this point than him being actually at fault for something.

Finally, I don’t actually care what happens to him and his job because he’s mega rich and it literally has no effect on his life. Moving on.