Uhoh..Bobby knew all about the sexual harassment allegations for years

Meanwhile, at the Blizzard PR meeting…

“Ok guys, focus on hype for 9.2.”



Can’t find this quote online.

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I think it’s also in the same paywalled article.

Trade Prince Kotick at it again. His shareholders are gonna want his head.



Well, not surprising.
I do hope he doesn’t get off scot-free.
But these big corporate honcho’s usually do because the ones that take them to court just look for a big settlement $$ :moneybag:

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So Blizzard hires her, amidst a sexual harassment/discrimination lawsuit . . . and then doesn’t give her equal pay?



Thank you.

Even in the midst of them trying to clean up their act and reputation they still do crap like that.

I’m not really that shocked… Just kinda sad.


Here is my question… after you have that much money in the bank, more then you can spend. Why in the heck are you still working and not on a island on a beach doing nothing!

I swear to god the rich need to be medicated and treated like horders. Their sickness makes so the rest of us have to squabble over the crumbs that are leftover, that’s about half of what our parents had.


Most of that will just end up going to the family or government or somewhere… they just want more, MORE, MORRREEEE!



Like, y’all couldn’t even pay equal salary?

There is so much /facepalm with this company.


I feel there was also something about raiding company coffers to wage a legal war against step mom too… I mean, the whole thing is rotten to the core.

Meanwhile Elon Musk is whining on Twitter about paying taxes.

Dude, we could tax you 99% of your income and you’d still be rich enough to live in comfort for multiple life times . . . so cry more.

According to Google (so, grain of salt and all that) Musk makes 6.7 billion a year. A 99% tax and he’s still making 67 million dollars a year.

Not saying we should tax him at that rate, by the way, just pointing out how ridiculously wealthy this :clown_face: is.


Do you seriously have nothing to do but keep refreshing articles in hopes to find something negative about Blizzard/WoW? LMAO man that is sad. I love how you feel the need to keep bringing up a topic that is old now. If you hate Blizzard/WoW so much and just love when you see negative news about them to rush to the forums and post about it, why not just leave and move on to other games/gaming companies?

Did you rush to the forums and make posts on the positive articles? Nope. You don’t.

Just sayin’, but the antiwork subreddit can be a good read.

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I posted this in another thread.


Yeah it’s sad, I’m barely able to live paycheque to paycheque so to speak, scrapping together money to get by and these clowns are like , ''but do I really have to?" (pay taxes) lol

This world has a lot of wrong with itself and it seems to be humans to a degree.


Hold your horses compadre, I get tired of the mindless Blizzard haters too but this article is from today and is definitely new information.


Of course he did. And what a beautiful position to be in. Either he admits he knew and never did anything, which makes him uncaring at best and malicious at worst. Or he claims he didn’t know, which makes him looks wildly incompetent (moreso than usual).

Either way he’s going to find himself standing in the middle of a bridge that’s burning at both ends. Unfortunately people in his position will never suffer meaningful consequences. The worst they could do is force him to resign. I suppose they could also withhold any kind of severance he’s owed, but considering how much wealth he’s already amassed it makes literally zero difference.