Uhhhh hey guys

Everyone who has ever committed violence on another living being is fascist and the only just society is one in which we all silently hug each other for the 2 months it will take for us all to die of starvation

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I like your mog too I guess

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I did it for you.

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Can y’all just shut up already honestly I don’t care about fictional pixels make your own thread if you wanna do battle over some made up video game group is bad or not this isn’t the place for it. This is a place to tell me how pretty I am


i like your hat but the effort of grinding battlefronts for gear has broken me in ways from which i will never recover so i don’t appreciate the reminder


I was actually super lucky and got it all pretty quickly. And this is the only set I ever got since I only play this character ever so it was painless for me sorry!!

i eventually just gave up on darkshore sets, they weren’t worth the suffering

they do look quite nice, though

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There are pretty sweet recolors that are purchasable with marks of honor in Zoalco and the Boralus docks areas.


this is very good to know thank you, i’ll check them out today when i am free from work

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No problem. You strike me as someone that’d have a few extra marks laying around.


wait was there an actual argument that happened in this thread that I didn’t read

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But isn’t that also talking about fictional pixels

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you don’t have flashlights for eyes but otherwise you’re lookin pretty stylish


Yes. Any discussion that isn’t about me I consider argumentative

I was curious about the vigilante night warrior character concept you mentioned in the WCP thread, but I’ve never seen you say anything else about it.

It’s all in my head.

So basically Gwy’neth Shadowbreaker was once the commander of a sect of Sentinels whose soul purpose was purging the Horde threat from elven lands (Ashenvale, Darkshore, Felwood, etc.). Long story short is after Teldrassil and BFA, the “treaty” all her Sentinels were called elsewhere (Shadowlands, or whatever the heck) and she was left with an ultimatum: transfer to Feathermoon as a paperpusher, be sent to Icecrown and leave Kalimdor in the hands of lesser, more placatable Sentinels, or retire.

She chose to retire, but only publicly. She hung up her Sentinel officers armor for the White Night garb, taking justice into her own hands. If no one else is going to hold the Horde responsible for the crimes they’ve committed against her people and home, she was going to do it alone.

The stories you hear about orcish patrols going missing in Ashenvale? The trolls who just so happened to become a wolf’s dinner? The goblin machines’ mechanisms somehow going missing over night?

It might just be the White Night.


Unfortunately she died, though. Slain by her own soldiers who thought she was a ghost, and who turned in her head for some modest experience and a forgettable amount of gold.

That’s all we are in the end, anyhow. Some gold, some blood, a bit of electricity behind the eyes, sparked and gone before the ages can even notice.

Rest in peace, Gwyneth.

But her TRP profile specifically indicates no character death!

Exactly what she wants you to think. Yep. Definitely dead.

Your headgear is straight farts. I can’t tell how pretty you are.

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