We’re Wyrmrest Accord in a dragon expansion I just realized that
Despite having been on a server carrying their namesake for many years, I completely forgot they existed and will likely forget again as soon as I’ve left this thread.
A reminder that Alexstraza did significant damage to the Wrymrest Tower (That’s its name, it is the seat of the Wyrmrest Accord, the four Flights of Red, Green, Bronze and Black and the Mortals of Dalaran against the Blue Flight) when her last consort, Korilstrasz was framed for the massacre of the remaining eggs within the Shrines, and Alexstraza, after everything she’d seen and learning her last consort was responsible for the blow that might very well spell the extinction of all Dragons, went a little crazy from grief and frustration.
It was in a novel, though, so …
Speaking of ol’ Krasus, haven’t seen him even so much as mentioned post-Wrath. I’m assuming Blizzard couldn’t afford to keep cutting Knaak royalty checks (Bobby needs his Mega Yachts) so they jettisoned all his characters from the narrative. But after the truly horrendous Night of the Dragon novel I haven’t so much as touched a printed WarCraft book so I have zero idea what’s been going on there.
You know, you’d think there’d be more callback to Wyrmrest in this expac…but no.
It’d be cool to have updated all the dragon raids at the very least.
Or even just update the dragon mounts xD
I spent years, literally half a decade, grinding out all the mounts I’d need to finally get my emerald drake. Finally achieved it in early Shadowlands.
Then… The preorder bonus of DF was a far cooler green drake.
if they ever make deathwing not roll if there’s only one player in the group, i’m going to cry.
please, blizzard, that’s all we need.
Not happening – there’s an achievement specifically tied to rolling.
…unless blizzard disabled rolling, then added a dialogue option to turn it back on…
or idk add a skip just for spine of deathwing that u can unlock after x times thru the raid.
I’m not sure any expansion-specific faction makes it out of their expansion?
Ehhh, you have the Argent Crusade, the Earthen Ring, the Knights of the Ebon Blade. It’s very rare but there are a few who have survived.
(there is no reason for the Accord to exist anymore, since they are no longer fighting the Blues.)
Ugh. You’re right.
Though I’ll go on the record as saying it’s stupid to blur the lines between factions associated with a player class and reputation-grind factions.
I’ll also say the Argent Crusade is fascists.
in what way are they fascists?
The Argent Crusade assumes an authoritative role to enforce their interpretation of the Light under the reasoning that the Undead threat is great enough to warrant that rigid interpretation.
Except we also know the Argent Crusade turned a blind eye to Sylvanas’ forcing Alliance farmers into undead servitude in the Western Plaguelands, so we know they don’t actually consider the Undead to be all that big a threat. So we have an extrajudicial military force dedicated to carrying out its will at all costs without the actual backing of their founding cause.
“The argent crusade is fascist” is a heck of a take to explain a world that has been timelocked to Cata for over a decade when the actually fascist Scarlet Crusade exists.
Which means this is probably a troll. Oh well.
Apparently my post count reset when I name changed/retired my old rogue? Why?!
Maybe I missed a quest or something, but I’m not sure how fighting the Scourge, mostly in areas that are otherwise abandoned, inherently amounts to enforcing an interpretation of the Light on anybody unless you feel they’re infringing on some right that the Scourge has to dominate the world and end all life. The phrase “at all costs” would seem to imply that the Argent Crusade ever actually hurts anybody other than enemy combatants, or coerces people into religious conversion, or usurps power from local governments, or in some other way does something other than fight a would-be world-dominating cult, which I don’t recall ever seeing shown or implied. Please, let me know if there’s lore about this out there. The fact that they failed to oppose Sylvanas’s Scourge-like actions – presumably because they feared it would be seen as side-taking in the Horde–Alliance conflict and didn’t want or couldn’t afford to lose their faction neutrality – is worthy of discussion but doesn’t really change any of the above.
Your forum stats are attached to your charactername-servername combination – so, for example, Sylríanna-WyrmrestAccord would be a separate posting profile from Sylríanna-MoonGuard. As a result, any name change or server transfer results in the character being attached to a new posting profile. I’ve heard that you can make a new character with your old name and server combination, and it will have your original posting stats.
theyre a night elf. who are descendants of trolls, so maybe?
To be fair like 89% of factions/groups in WoW has partook in some sort of fascism at one point or another also it’s all fake and made up so who cares at all really