The Argent Dawn was literally an offshoot that splintered from a fascist adjacent organization because said organization was too extreme. (Scarlets, again) and a group splintered from that that sat somewhere inbetween (Brotherhood of the Light)
Argents are more akin to the WHO anyway in that they don’t really have a government. They’re just an organization.
No. Because I just saw it and wanna join in. The Sarestha in me cannot abide this criticism of my rigid interpretation of the Argent Crusade!! This means war!
I mean they’re formed with some sort of religious background but I’d hardly say they impose anything on anyone. I’d call them theologically liberal as the Light goes They include shamans and other non-Light worshippers in their ranks with little to no evidence of said members being forced to partake in Light-based religious observances. So I wouldn’t say they’re really enforcing a particular rigid view of anything other than “Scourge bad, unless you’re Ebon Blade I guess.”
As for them ignoring the Forsaken, we know from a few pieces of in game evidence that the Argent Crusade was incredibly wary of and keeping an eye on the Forsaken. I don’t think that necessarily means they knew of every monstrosity. But you’ve got to remember that they have the political realm to navigate. First of all, the Argent Crusade actually had Forsaken members. They clearly, by doing so, suggested a nuanced view of the Undead. Their ire was directed specifically at the Scourge. Their approach is not and never has been that all undead are evil - that’s a Scarlet Crusade view. The Brotherhood of the Light might take a stronger view of that topic, but just barely. Second of all, an organisation made up of both Horde and Alliance members can’t really take a side in a war without eviscerating their numbers and potentially undoing all of their progress in the purification of the Plaguelands. In one sense their neutrality actually hindered Sylvanas’ further expansion and created a safe haven, a piece of Lordaeron where the living and dead could live together in harmony. If they’re to turn on the Horde, which could be a hard sell for their Horde members, it’s likely they wouldn’t have had the numbers to actually overthrow Sylvanas. Instead, they’d likely be the ones overthrown.
So yeah, Argent Crusade aren’t fascist. They just did what they could to make a positive difference in the world and didn’t blindly throw themselves at every single evil. Gotta pick your targets when you’re a relatively small group. I’d say this was only more true following their numbers being decimated in Legion.
The Scarlet Crusade was kind of the evolution of the Silver Hand in Lordaeron itself. The Paladins who led resistance against the Scourge. In game sources differ from the comic books in terms of the exact specifics of exactly when it became the Scarlet Crusade. The game suggested that Alexandros Mograine was Scarlet Highlord whereas the comics kind of don’t establish the Scarlet Crusade as separate until after Mograine’s death. So there’s some ambiguity there. Anyway the Argent Dawn then broke away from the Scarlets, pretty early on in Saidan Dathrohan’s (i.e. Balnazzar’s) leadership, due to the extremism that was seeping in.
Technically the Brotherhood is still part of the Argent Crusade. They’re just a tad more extreme. Also they used to be kind of the liason group between the two, but the Scarlets went crazier and they picked a side.
Sounds like propaganda. Blink twice if Tirion’s ghost is holding you hostage. You may associate with the Alliance, but we Horde recognize cowardly coercion when we see it.
The truth is, Enekie isn’t wrong. The Crusade brought a bunch of people together because they said “hey look these undead guys are bad” and what did all the humans do? Well the fell right in line and marched along to the tune of the light. Nice going, morons.
Have you been to Hearthglen recently? Seen any shops that aren’t owned by a crusader? No? That’s because if you’re in the Crusade, say goodbye to your money! Don’t worry about who spends it and where, cause your governing body has you covered! And if you were a paladin in Legion, did anyone ever get a say in your appointment to leader? You didn’t hear about it because those naysayers got booted out of Light’s Hope FAST. Did anyone ever question what you spent resources on? What about all those minions you sent on missions who didn’t come back - did you even know their names?
That’s because the Order of the Silver Hand, the Argent Dawn / Brotherhood / Crusade / etc are all organizations who exalt the pious and come together as a unified group, where what the group represents stands above the individuals who make it up. And once everyone is convinced of that, they agree that economic concerns are no business of the peons, and then they go from there.
I don’t know what Enekers was talking about with turning a blind eye to Sylvanas. That was just Tirion being old and maybe political, or Sylvanas and the Horde posed too serious a threat to a small organization that has no economic backing and lives and breathes by the worthiness of their cause. But inaction of factions in Azeroth isn’t worth our time discussing because we all sadly know what the real reason is.
The Western Plaguelands questlines proved that the Argent Crusade don’t actually find people being raised into undeath as all that bad. And if the Argent Crusade isn’t a militant religious order dedicated to destroying the undead, then they’re just a militant religious order.
Are you mad at me for my words? Or because you can’t handle the truth?
But that’s where my galaxy brain goes. The Argent Crusade runs willy-nilly across the land, attacking whatever they please. We presumably let them do that because they’re against our mutual enemy, the Undead. But they aren’t. So that just makes them a roving band of religious nuts enforcing their will on things.