And also more tight leather.
Considering that their remodeling Alleria for War Within, to look like yet another specific author, and intentionally are messing up her iconic look to satisfy a hateful twit’s need for a self-insert; replete with the same idiotic and cringe hairstyle that makes Alleria look less like Alleria, and more like an aging Karen, pissed off that she’s getting old; and who is two triggers away from ranting about a specific racial denomination on Twitter; I wouldn’t say female models are much better off.
All of that was oddly specific.
i’m hot af you are buggin out right now
I look at it like Cinderella. If the shoe fits… wear it.
If you think the models are ugly just wait until you see the animation most of them got. Male blood elves and night elves in particular are atrocious.
Again: tie-in novels make it clear that they’re large and imposing from a human perspective.
Well, I never.
I don’t think human males and zandalari males are ugly.
Zandalari look trolly, as trolls should; plus, they don’t slouch. Humans…the face options are iffy. Weird expressions, for the most part.
I wanna agree, especially since my two mains are humans but man… The gorilla forearms are unsettling. It works on the vanilla models, but it just doesnt look right on the HD models.
Yeah, I have a hard time choosing a face for my humans. I only like two or three options, so I have to use different beard and hairstyles so that they don’t look all the same.
I purposefully chose that one angry gnome male face that’s basically stuck in a half-snarl.
Just a short, half-robot guy that’s pissed off at the fictional world that made him that way, lol.
Just hard to see behind the cyborg parts, but he’s angerfied.
Yes! I thought we were talking only about faces lol. Yeah the arms are really bad.
I imagine WoW as a game where the art direction and story are dictated by what a 12 year old kid from 1989 thinks is “cool”.
Which is why all men are some kind of steroid abusing bodybuilder and tier sets are just made entirely of spikes and particle effects.
If I’m being honest I probably wouldn’t play a male character in WoW even if they were better, I got in the habit of playing female characters in Runescape, but it wasn’t even a decision for me here. The male character models are just ugly.
All these comments are making me wonder: are there any appearance mods? Because I’d mod the hell out of human characters if I could. You should see how many mods I have running in FFXIV lol.
Yes (at least there were, I’m sure there still are), but they are detectable and you can and will be banned for using them because changing the character model isn’t the only thing that can be done with those tools, so Blizzard won’t differentiate.
FFXIV does a don’t ask don’t tell kinda thing with it. Probably helps that PvP is more of an afterthought over there. PvP is mostly the reason it gets flak over here.
It’s probably the spiked leather that has something to do with that.
I like playing ugly characters, thank god they exist.
To hell with emasculated characters.
Ah, okay. Darn.
I have a Male human Warrior, and i love the way he looks. He looks amazing. So i guess i don’t see it.