UFOs - credible evidence. What now?

why is it such a taboo thing? it’s a natural thing to have for humans

what’s wrong with the idea of it being possible

Wait, if you have a 2 hand weapon on back your range weapon on hand or reverse this naturally…

What if 2 hand but no weapons in hand?

But you have no factual evidence to support it

none that you wouldn’t repurpose to other delusions

ranged weapons should be displayable regardless of Dual wield or 2hander.

LOL you talk delusional? Ok buddy

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is there a problem with accepting the fact that in any position, humans want more control?

this is an algorithm, not a debate on whether it’s happening

Right, because a flying duck and a helicopter under IR light can easily be mistaken for a UFO.

Your problem is accepting something as fact when you have no facts to back it up

come on man, this been known for decades

WoW maintenance surely brings the best out of everyone.

my gut feeling is more reliable than your entire logic, i don’t even care

Ladies and gents, a gut feeling LOL


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he’s just gonna say those things aren’t that

Cool buzzwords. Still nothing factual


Ok, no that’s stupid on many levels. I’ve read this and a few other things from noobshot. This person is disconnected from reality and should be ignored, there is no hope of convincing them they are wrong about almost everything. I’ve met these guys before, they feel special because they ‘know’ the truth so they refuse to let that go by admitting they are wrong.

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Here are some notes

if your riding on mount regardless of having a 2hander your ranged weapon would be on display across your back.

If you toggle to hold your bow in hand and you have a 2 hander equipped you should then see ur 2hander on ur back.

Inversely if you hold ur 2hander in hands you should see your bow on ur back.

If your holding nothing in your hands you should display your bow across your back.

I mained hunter for all of Original TBC and i can attest to the visuals.

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Now you are just trolling lol.