You aren’t? Oh…
Right because your trashing one of the best humanity driven presidents we have had. And by doing so your showing your right wing fanaticism, and I’m assuming you support the DT one of the worse humans ever to live on this planet. So if your throwing your rightwing support out in the open in todays world what does that say about you as a human!
You said list examples of global elite. I listed a well known organization of global elite who tackle global issues.
And one of the three families that own practically half the worlds money supply.
How are those buzzwords?
Its just a cover for military research air planes. Aliens do not exist
Ok, this is exactly what i need to know.
I’ll check out the beta making a template hunter and then confirm on the naughty server.
Then it’s big report time.
Whats a naughty server? Lol
You have an old school OG tbc refference server?
I’ll let you scroll up and get caught up with the conversation I had with the belf earlier.
This is wrong, they admited the videos came from them and aren’t fake. They made no statement about what the video does and does not show.
Oh, you’re one of THOSE people, no point in talking to you.
Furthermore on the log in screen where your character is standing with its capital city in rhe background hunters are supposed to be holding their ranged weapon in hand, dual weapons on belt or 2hander on back
This is on the loginscreen…
I meant UFO in the literal sense of unidentified flying object. They have said the don’t know what the things are and how they do what they do
C’mon, man. You can’t really believe it’s just those few names we’ve heard about. I supposed you also think Epstein killed himself?
Indeed. It’s handy for graphic reference
Glad you are actually testing things and submitting reports on the beta forums.
Yep this is what I believe. They know what they filmed which is why some of it was declassified.
I’m not going this far. I think aliens fall into two categories:
- Microorganisms on planets and/or moons similar to Earth
- Civilizations so far away that travel to them will be impossible or they have already come and gone.
Or something totally benign like camera artifacts.
This is almost certainly correct.
Edit: this thread got moved, yay!
Interesting topic. Is there other life in the universe outside of Earth? The math would suggest it is an utter certainty (and I love me some math). The universe is much too large for the average human to comprehend. Most folks think, I wish I could say all but we know that is simply not true, in terms of Newtonian physics. This works for most as it adequately describes the day to day world we function in.
But Newton only got some of it right despite being one of a very few true intellectual giants and a very rare example of what humans can aspire to be. You need quantum mechanics (the science of the very small) and relativity (the science of the very large) to complete what we humans (well, the ones with developed intellect) have puzzled out regarding how our universe functions.
I digress. The universe is staggeringly large. We had to develop scientific notation just to have a way to do the math on these scales (both large and small). There are an estimated 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Let that sink in a moment. Now consider that our very own galaxy is roughly 100,000 light years across. That means we have not been a species long enough, by a tremendously long shot at that, to even investigate a fraction of the galaxy we reside in.
So, it is not even close to established fact that there is no life in our own galaxy, let alone the approximately 2 trillion others.
So, let us assume that the math is correct and there is life elsewhere. I’ll save you the trouble, yes I firmly believe there is. Let’s make some educated guesses along those lines. Space travel is, from what we have learned so far as a species, challenging to say the least. We can send our species an overwhelmingly insignificant distance at this point in our evolution when judged on a universal scale. What we know so far indicates traveling any significant distance is simply not within our grasp yet. We have some interesting theories but still a very long way to go.
This simply means we humans have not figured it out yet (and hopefully we do as our species survival absolutely depends on it). We love to think we are a clever species. After all, look at how we have mastered the animal kingdom on our planet. Let’s take a look at that shall we? Humans and Chimps share 98.8% of our DNA. That means there is less than 2% genetic difference separating us.
Now, look at what that 2% represents. Physics, mathematics, music, literature, etc. Now, imagine there is other life in the universe and, now, imagine it is 2% different from us. Scary right?
So any species able to travel the immense distances to get to us is assuredly more technologically advanced. So the question is what interest in us would they have? We cage, or worse, chimps and treat them like trivial lifeforms. Would we expect any less from visiting species? We see the animal kingdom as something needing controlled. In our more darker moments, we kill animals to extinction. Would we deserve better treatment from our 2% superiors?
In the end, my best guess is that other species have very likely been in our neck of the woods. I believe they came, saw, chuckled a bit, shook their head, and moved on as fast as they could. There is likely a quarantine on our corner of the galaxy saying come back in a few thousand years. Hopefully, if we don’t destroy ourselves, they will and we will have something more to offer than what human beings have demonstrated to date.
It’s the only thing we can do. If they don’t fix hellfire mobs by June 1 look for incomplete NPC attack animation and missing CC animation.
Ever thought the earth is what you think it is. Perhaps no one comes to communicate with us becuase this is one large habitat created as an energy farm.
And who needs to communicate with their livestock?
Oh wait so Bilderberg isn’t real? There aren’t any factions that want to enslave humanity? Ok you got me, I’ll go back to my life of consooming and put the blinders on.
Poor baby thinks the world is out to get him.
I am jealous of you though. I wish I was still blissfully ignorant.