UFOs - credible evidence. What now?

And I will always automatically dismiss Obama. Same with 99% of democrats and Republicans. If they aliens are out there doing pop shove-its in the stratosphere, just enslave us all now and use us for food already, get me out of here.


Why would you trust any politician? That’s just naive.

Maybe when they land we can boost them through stocks/SM/mara to win their favor

I think most relatively high-IQ individuals with little media consumption could say the EXACT opposite. :joy: :joy: :joy:

It’s more like, “Hey, here’s a little demonstration to show you what we can do, and for you to know that if we actually chose to harm you we could do so any time we want, and you would be utterly powerless to do anything about it.”

They’ve been here for a long time. They haven’t made us slaves or harvested our planet for resources. Motive? Who knows. But if they wanted to be hostile it would have happened a long time ago.

Well there’s always been rumors that the Germans had Alien tech and that after world war II suddenly Americans have Stealth fighters which are still insanely complex machines given they were made in a much earlier time period.

I mean in WWI they had proto tanks and horse charges and then 15 years later there’s schematics for robots, saucers, space flight and rockets. It’s a little odd that our tech would jump so far in such a short time.

What do I know though.

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Antarctica homie

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Appears this has been going on for a long time, as there many reports dating back. If this has, how has there not been “direct contact” with whatever is flying these?

Invisible mother ship in our solar system. Totally.

I know for sure one thing that is not out there… Working WOW Classic servers.

I THINK we just need to hope to GOD it isn’t Russia or China, if it is, we’re all fOOked.

You would have to be pretty dumb to not believe in aliens. Whether or not they have visited Earth is another story. The universe is way too massive for us to be the only life out there.

Also everyone always thinks aliens would be super advanced, maybe some are actually technologically behind us? who knows

Antarctica is weird and I used to think the Antarctica stuff was all nonsense but there is some oddities that make me wonder. Even early human history is completely odd and doesn’t fit in with our narrative of it that we preach today.

Any mechanical or avian thing in the sky will look like a UFO if you point an infrared camera at it or keep it out of focus.

If you want to investigate something that will really make you question things i highly suggest you look into flat earth.

Although I won’t discard there are other beings from other places.

Fact of the matter is there is no public open contact with any other civilizations or species or sentient beings other than human.

What we do have is world filled with ancient ruins with evidence we have had technological pasts that we do not currently have (or publicly disclosed) records of.

From the myriad of sources and sifting through the compendium of accessible knowledge it is my opinion we are a species not only with amnesia of our own past but live in a sort of terrarium we call the earth. The Earth is a farm and we are someone else property(a quote but a fitting quote). All media mis directions are to keep the people (sheep) in constant flux and kept the population oblivious of the real nature of our world / reality. Then you ask why? To what end? Thing is all the creatures in our little terrarium if you give them enough space they can live quite comfortable with the exception of Man. Humanity is the only species that doesn’t cope with captivity, we will do everything to try to escape or find who/why/what is going on. There a lot on this subject but I entreat those whom have curiosity to look down the rabbit whole. Be warned you might not like what you find but at least the search from truth is reward enough.

Just as Pigs in a slaughter house aren’t saved but consumed. Humans in our terrarium called earth are harvested in other ways.

Besides who really talks to their food? Do you talk with your steak? Your Burger?.. reality is weirder than fiction.

Tom Delonge was right

This thread proves that mental health care is criminally underfunded.


Yeah people have this notion that there weren’t humanoids before modern humans existed and completely ignore all of it. Early human history is odd and I laugh at some of the theories put out today because it doesn’t even work with our evolutionary tree. Things out of order etc. Nobody likes to really look because you may get answers you may not like.

I highly doubt humans would be used as a food source, more like auxiliary units for a civilization that could focus the violence and destructive capabilities of humans.

I know, right? some dude is unironically making a mental evaluation of people he doesn’t personally know on a video game forum

Wait what? are you saying were living in the matrix for the aliens so they can harvest us?

Simulation discussions are pretty funny.

These “aliens” have been here with us all along. They live in Atlantis, deep in our ocean. :wink: