UFOs - credible evidence. What now?

OP needs to look into the current hologram technology, put 2 and 2 together and then look into Project Blue Beam. And THEN ask yourself what kind of things the World Government would gain if they pulled this off.

It would take that amount of energy from the current way in which we understand physics, but wouldnā€™t it be possible for a civilization more ancient than life on earth to discover other ways to interact with physics?

You do understand team red lies to you too right? Anyone who makes it far into politics has to win support by stating certain things they know their base will stand behind.

I pretty much hate politics, but the team loyalists fascinate me. Even more than Aliens lol

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Could be that or civilizations become reliant on technologies that are not stronger than environmental forces such as emps, major geological events, etc.

This brings me back to that radio show that I listened to once in a while, think it was ā€œCoast to Coast AMā€ where some guy pretty much laid out that there would be an ā€œinvasionā€ and that it would be used as a means for military expansion, removal of rights and fearmongering.

Iā€™m not even apart of ā€œTeam Redā€ so now what?

Apparently talking about Obama or certain politicians automatically makes you Red. For someone not American they sure assume a lot like one. Lul

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Yes, and day by day this seems to be the only option left for ā€œthemā€(global club of elitist *****) to get the ultimate power that they have sought after for centuries.

It could happen like a solar flare, super volcano, and etc. Also us as food could be true too. for we do it are selves on this planet we call earth.

Not if you watch Thunderfoot

I trust him. He loves America and worked hard to make our country better. DT did not.

Just figured you were, since you automatically dismissed Obama, then said Biden would ā€œmumbleā€ about it later. Either way, a lot seem to think this is all fake news so the government can get more spending.

Some Canadian experts were also weighing in on this too with credible reports, and we donā€™t give a sh%t about military spending. Sure it is all fake news for the deep state, flat earth ect, ect.

Yall sound crazier then me for being interested in UFOs

Plausible deniability.

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Hey they tried with the virus to lock everything up and redo the economy, need a global crisis to put in a massive plan. Iā€™m not sure if it will work but some bogus UFO invasion sounds like a good way to bring back the ā€œRed Scareā€ paranoia and funnel money into whatever they want.

People seem to forget that feudalism was never supposed to end according to our ā€œbettersā€.

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ufos are responsible for the extended maintenance lets riot


Anyway guysā€¦ here is what i thinkā€¦ human beigns are deploying all kind of actions because they need to find new ressourcesā€¦ And all of this because we took close to everything we can from our own planet. Soā€¦ we are sending rover and such on marsā€¦ we want to get bases on the moonā€¦ they are already talking about ressources found here and there that we need to getā€¦ And all of a sudden, there is UFOā€™s and aliens.

Ufoā€™s visiting us ā€¦ IF there is aliens out there, maybe they are actually looking at us thinking we are starting to go too far? Maybe IF there is aliens visiting us, they too do the same and search for some ressourcesā€¦ MAYBEā€¦ this and that?..

Life keep going hereā€¦2021, people from our own planet dont deserve it anyway. We still acting like kids with racism / war / religion that keep us divided from each othersā€¦ we have covid, trying to get rid of that virus is a kinda a clue for scientistā€¦

What do you expect in all of theseā€¦ pfffā€¦ lets go back and play?

Two words: Space Goats


You dismiss the concern as if there hasnā€™t been an entire history of elites and governments trying to bamboozle the public or pull some inhumane crap in the name of ā€œNational Securityā€. Some theories are crazy, yes but many have merit and years later we find out that truth is stranger than fiction.

:rofl: damnā€¦ comon lol!