Ua dispel will be too much



I knew it was coming but not so soon…

But fr wtf is the point of the new talent when we already have 2 mandatory ones?

Can I hopefully assume that triple ua will become baseline in pvp instance or something like that?

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The fact they still make you take it makes me doubt they’ll ever make it baseline. You’re way more likely to get rapid contagion or something else instead.

it makes too much sense… Imagine if we could pick 2 pvp talents :drooling_face:

saw a 305k hit today from a dispel. Awsome stuff

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10.1.5 will fix it.

Next expac will fix it.

MMR dump will fix it.

ua dispel was plenty before the patch. this is so overtuned its disgusting


just completely wrong but yes it was overbuffed

explain? i wanna be gaslit by warlock players

it was hitting ~130ks and often times less into 600k+ healer health pools. how is that gaslit? its a fact. 2nd lowest participation of all casters with 99% of locks being demo/destro, I doubt you even fought an aff until the buffs recently.

soda is even saying it was overbuffed, and aff shouldn’t have toxic ua backlash dam. its a bad bandaid fix.

because every lock player was playing S+++ tier demo/destro instead of s++ tier affli

why does it need to hit above 130k plus silence the healer resulting in NO healing for 4 seconds, therefore inflicting way more damage than what ur details will say


you dont know how my spec works just dont talk you sound like a moron

theres a reason aff has been nonexistent on the ladder


looking at your xp it seems like ur the one who doesnt know


because it was already hitting those values last patch and no longer accounted for the large jump in hp between the seasons

dispelling affs dots/ua literally stops their damage so ? every healer past 1600 is managing UA dispels just fine. it was getting dispelled on CD at any decent rating for a reason

sick own man

I understand that aff has awful design and isnt fun to heal but everything youre saying about the spec is objectively wrong

Having interrupts and dispels cycled to keep unstables down feels like the inspiration for precog.

??? it was overtuned and now its even more overtuned how hard is that to see

I agree I think the damage is overtuned and 10.1.5 might make aff too strong because it no longer has to ramp, I also said the ua dispel was overbuffed but the stam trinket buff on healers put it in a goofy place

in its current iteration you literally lose at the loading screen into certain comps because its impossible to maintain the necessary ramp to do dmg

I dont think I should be able to do 100k dps for a minute staight but I also dont think I should passively neutered by some specs

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aff is already too strong man wtf are u smoking

apparently you since youre crying so much about a spec no one plays