U got hoj?

only getting a setup once a minute is why i quit this stupid class lol

Outlaw might actually be playable? this is indeed a good day

I’m not comparing leg sweep and kidney. I’m saying those two respective classes typically use their stuns during setups - and a pally throwing out hojs like they’re candy could screw up the setups. Yes ineffable is good and I’ll probably use 2 or 3; but I think vers amps will still be a little better

That does seem frustrating and hopefully some ineffies makes the class more fun for you which at the end of the day is what matters most

I mean I am enjoying it, however I know that joy is being tainted because it’s at another’s expense, at least for me it’s slightly tainted.

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At least you’re not a destro lock

It is not because it would be making the class playable in a very wrong way. Things need to be fun to play AND fun to fight against.

I really hope this stuff gets nerfed to the ground very soon. Iv been through some pretty rough metas, but right now I think is THE ONLY time where the game is actually so bad its unplayable.

True enough but it isn’t like half the classes are fun to play against right now, i just want outlaw to not be garbage

8 ineff as ele and just have perma shear/ground off cd the entire arena

to counter 1 sec gpys and .5 sec bolts u gotta go all in


i like the plan to be in and out in the 10 seconds it’ll be up once per minute. live fast die young

Fight fire with fire. Don’t need to have your abilities do more damage when you can just always use your abilities.

Buff Thundercharge.


Enh destro hpal will be t1 now, god i can finally stun a kill target while stunning the healer

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It seems like everyone in here is talking like Ineffable has constant uptime on all of the stacks simultaneously. Yes, there will be some crazy moments when the stars align all of the shorter CD’s are meaningless, but it’s not how the whole match is going to play out and those moments could happen at very inconvenient times if they even happen at all (ex: you or your target are already CC’ed).

My main worry with stacking ineffable is actually when they stack like that for a brief moment and you just don’t have the GCD’s to take advantage of everything. Every stun in that situation can be a significant loss in DPS. And then afterwards you will be proc starved and likely better served by investing in haste or verse.

OTOH, the CD’s over the 1 minute proc time should be reliably shorter. I’d be more worried/excited about near constant wings than the occasional, randomly timed HoJ fest.

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I tested the proc rate today, and I had 2 ineffable truths, and out of a 6 min games the proc uptime was about a minute- a minute 20sec.

So, take that with a grain of salt, I dident test extensively, I could be really off.

I wonder if mw could spam cocoons to just demoralize the enemy team.


How does it feel that thundercharge is now essentially a corruption everyone can have.

Thundercharge is only 1x R1 Ineffable value and costs a global on an already clunky spec. El garbo.

Well designed system lmao

Your pal soloed me and and my ret partner last night you were doing like 40k dps my ret was dead before first sap dropped on your lock. Are you running ineff? I saw the gushing only and like 6holy shocks, was on my rogue cappin