U got hoj?

surprised people haven’t been playing outlaw spites

Lol nothing will make outlaw good.

is that the big ineffable truth for 10 second hojes?

you just wait amigo…
(until I get my hands on that bloody trinket)

Ineffable Truth Outlaw/Enhance + Thundercharge


Lol checked that guy’s profile, he’s got 7xR1 and a R2 for 260% reduction. With proc up that puts HoJ to 13.8 sec cooldown after being pressed, and then judgement reduces it by 10. So HoJ -> Judgment, after the GCD’s HoJ is back up in 1.8 seconds :joy:

That also means his Judgment cooldown is 2.5 seconds, and Holy Shock is 2 seconds not including the 50% bonus he can get during Sanctified Wrath to make a 1 sec cooldown (basically back up after the GCD and spammable). LOL!

For those curious take 60/260 = .23
Multiply any cooldown by .23 (or 23%) and you get the new spell cooldown during proc.


what trinket will make it good?

No this is great.

This stuff and corruption stacking is going to get nerfed into the ground within a few weeks; I just know it.

Did they really not see this coming? I sincerely doubt it. They just put in stuff they know players will find a way to abuse to break the game, fix it, and then mark down things not to do in the future.

Hard times for such a small indie company with limited resources.

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It’d be cool if true. I just hope they don’t only nerf line items 2, 5, and 8 on the top 10 things that need tuning. As toxic as this is, it fails in comparison to locks casting 3 chaos bolts in a single coil.


So sad that someone from Blizzard didn’t see this coming. And now it’s up to the paying players to experience the “unfun”.

Well I guess it depends on your perspective.

Oh well will keep leveling some alts haha :slight_smile:

Off the rails for the rest of the season

and here we go joker dot gif


hahah! Yo I literally just logged in to the forums to make a post about how I just Hoj’d a healer in arena and then Hoj’d his DPS before the healers Hoj was over to cover the go.

Literally just don’t Q arena this is gonna be a joke.

spite but I was kidding, I dont think outlaw can generate enough pressure to be a threat even with 1m blinds and vanishes

I think outlaw has potential into like wizards but not as a ladder spec. You would just auto lose to plate cleaves

Metaphors lost a series yesterday to outlaw RMP

28% vers unbuffed with double vita 3. I get to 52% vers with vita proc

Better start saving for vers amp 3 + mastery amp 3 so we get 80% vers and 200% mastery during wings.

But idk what else will be good, not sure ineffable stacked would be any good for ret.

can we get an actual video game


I think the goal should be Perma Wings. I mean why not? It isn’t fun unless you can keep it up 100%.

This game is slowly becoming Diablo and don’t mind it if they ever remove forced grinding.

Love this clip.

You have a HoJ and you and you and lets DR my own HoJ and oh you get one too.

Love how fist of justice with the cdr is like 40 seconds off HoJ and also getting judgment back near instantly.


Imagine a crusader stream with this gear setup

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The best part about ineffible truth is rank 1 is 12 corruption with 30% cdr, but rank 2 is 30 corruption but 50% cdr

Incredible math