Tyrande's going to need to share. Nightborne still worship Elune!

Yeah but I’d not blame Elune there. That’s typical Night Elf story.
Be invaded by the Horde.
Attack, do nothing.
Call the almighty Humans, the best of the Alliance.

That was thanks to the Jailer, which she didn’t know. She seems to be very far away since not even the Winter Queen could communicate with her. Yet, she still was close to the Night Elves. Perhaps she could do nothing. Though I still think she should’ve nuked Orgrimmar.


I used to think the “Blizzard hates Nelfs” threads were just trolling, but… yeah they REALLY hate Nelfs.

And Elune should have nuked Orgrimmar. But a greater force probably stopped her.
[gives thanks to the Earth Mother]

Either they hate Night Elves because they have the best lore in the Alliance by far. Or the idea of Blizzard’s love is making them go through loses.

I still remember how in Cata the Horde invaded Ashenvale, Garrosh was Batman and planned something, took out Tyrande with one arrow and hey, what’s that in the horizon?

Human Varian Wrynn with Human who stole Nelf lore (Worgen) to the rescue! Which is sad because Malfurion (another heavily nerfed character) would’ve wiped the floor with Garrosh. But then we’d have no expansion.

Mario saving Peach. :joy:

I’d not trust the Earth Mother, she can be evil.

There’s a combination of factors!

-Elune willingly just sitting idle while not just her people burned, but most of the Gilnean population. At least the Night Elves had only one genocide attempt: Gilneans had two. From the same person, no less.

-Alliance, as per tradition, sitting idle during the entire War of the Thorns. I don’t think they sent any forces to Darkshore outside of the player character. I believe there was in-game dialogue along the lines of, ‘Oh, yeah, the PC will be enough!’ or something similar. I believe the official excuse was the attack on the Zandalari fleet but I guess sending just one battalion would just be too taxing. I’m sure Varian would’ve done differently: He fought side by side along Tyrande in an MoP scenario.

-The writing team just doing their darned best to make sure the Night Elves can’t get a single W nowadays. I can’t think of any other race that’s been pummeled as much as the Night Elves. Other races are ignored or dismissed in the lore but the Night Elves seem to be under a sniper scope in regards of ‘what other atrocities can we make these tree huggers suffer under next’. Tauren are second place but not even they have it as bad.

Wow! I wish I could make a Night Elf without a background story wrapped in tragedy and being a refugee…Maybe in Dragonflight.

This thread reminds me of how I think Blizz messed up the first batch of allied races. The moose tauren, nightborne, and light goats should’ve all been neutral (no velfs at all) like the pandas.

I’m still salty that nightborne spit in my face after months of suramar dailies of me distributing arcwine and literally creating the cure for withering.


If you’re to believe this new writing though, Elune herself had to have a hand in the murder of the NELF population… Because when she and the Winter Queen were talking through Tyrande, she admitted to sending the souls to Ardenweld to help with the drought… Elune didn’t know the souls were going directly into the maw.

Also we’ve discussed this before when I made the connection that Elune could potentially be a robot, and there is even more evidence that she is a robot. I just recently ran a new alt on a refer-a-friend account through the ZM story and there is this little bit that I think a lot of people missed in the dialog. It proves that the Winter Queen was ‘forged’ and with Elune being her ‘sister’ pretty much puts the nail in the coffin that Elune is also.


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This really has nothing to do with “distance” as it has to do with alignment, other cosmic forces are not supposed to be in the Shadowlands as the realm of death, this was why Void/Light invading in Bastion and Revendreth respectively started a war in those zones, as did the Nathrezim Dreadlords being caught outside of the Shadowlands. This was also why Odyn had to sacrifice an eye to Mueh’zala to get even a small glimpse at Bastion and The Maw.

It is silly that you can be exalted with Highmountain or Nightborne as an alliance. Same with lightforged as Horde.

To be fair, Alliance WAS their first choice, but Tyrande was super racist and basically told them to go cluck themselves.


Yep. And the leader, who my alliance characters helped right at the beginning of the Suramar zone, helped lead a raid into my capital city. The moose, too. It’s extremely petty, I know, but I refuse to do the moose tauren zone anymore whenever I level an alliance character through legion because of it.

With odyn being involved, I was a little miffed that we didn’t get any interaction with the pantheon while in the shadow lands.

Putting them in the icebox with sargeras/illidan was just so jarring and anticlimactic at the end of legion.

I would have figured magni would have been trying to reach out for advice during bfa as well about the giant splinter left behind, but as ion said… “what sword”

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yep. I unlocked the moose and nightborne races for the horde because I hit exalted with them on my alliance warlock (which is my main character). I found that to be nonsensical.

But the Void and Light caused a war because they went there to wage war, not because they got in. Same with the Dreadlords, they went and caused it.

And while I agree with Odyn, he’s not a deity exactly at the level of the Titans. If Elune could never be in the Shadowlands, she’d have possibly never met the Winter Queen. Somehow, sometime, they should’ve been able to meet.

Unless they can do so outside in a neutral place. I do agree that other entities do not visit the shadowlands, but I don’t think it is because is forbidden, the Dreadlords seemed to be able to get into every major power, something that wouldn’t have happened if that was forbidden.

I’m pretty sure Lor’themar swooned that deal, but yeah Tyrande was acting like a dreadlord there.

I’m still fuzzy in how elune and the winter queen are sisters… does this mean elune is a “Johnny 5” created by the first ones?

They got in, however this is only because two of the six forces noticed them, the Void, and Light that they failed to infiltrate, causing them to be banished following the war on Revendreth with the Naruu.

It’s still forbidden as all the cosmic powers are at war, the Dreadlords were just better at infiltration than most.

That’s another good point about the dread lords… after all the discoveries in shadowlands about their 5-head old as time scheme… what happened to the light-forged dreadlord chilling in the spaceship?

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It’s never really implicitly stated, but by the Paladin class hall and in retrospect post-Legion/SL, it seems implied that Lothraxion was the whistleblower who got the Nathrezim discovered by the forces of the Light (not necessarily even purposely, he may have simply been accidentally caught and made a plea deal).

Someone necro’d my thread back when I had a higher trust level. :smile:

Nobody knows what Nightborne worship.