Tyrande's going to need to share. Nightborne still worship Elune!

Yes, we do. (Speaking for my Blood Elf character.) Except red, please.


It’s more of the whole “The curse of the Horde is to have all their ‘heroes’ either be evil and get killed or become evil over time and get killed. The curse of the Alliance is to have to share all their stuff with the Horde, like share their heroes, etc…”

Well, there’s also that part where the Horde even gets to have “friendly” pirates from Kul Tiras helping them. Again, yes, it’s me being cynical…

Lore-wise none of the Allied races took part in the War of Thorns and in the Siege of Lordaeron.

So the Nightborne were recruited to the Horde, after those events.

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You just replied to someone three years later.

Let’s not necro three year old threads.


I was doing a research on the Nightborne faith, did not even notice it is 3 year old thread. Sorry.


Dates on this forum are easy to miss. They should be more prominent.

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Elune chose to sacrifice the Night Elves and send their souls to be loa fertilizer.
She did NOT chose to sacrifice the Nightborne.

This is clearly an oversimplification and her motivations and actions are quite likely to be retconned because they make no sense and LOTS of players really hate this direction of Elune…

…but as it stands the Blackberry elves seem to have gotten much better treatment than the Raspberry elves.

And they are most definitely Elune worshippers, with lots of architecture and themes to back that assertion up. Tyrande herself is from Suramar. Notably I think that Suramar elves lived in a magocracy and not a theocracy after their bubble went up so I think it’s just less obvious from their day to day conversations and actions.

This thread is Necroed just like Suramar’s citizens were (until they weren’t)


I mean, they have a star augur… who shouts things like: “As the stars wax, so your lives wane!”.

As for worshipping Elune, they have no known Priestesses and the in-game lore mostly implies that they slowly stopped worshipping Elune in favor of the Nightwell. Speaking of which… these statues or similar ones are seen around the Nightwell and the Font of Night in the Nighthold, suggesting they could just be extensions of said well or personifications like with the Sunwell in Quel’thalas.

I know it’s been over three years but…

WOW this did not age well.

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hey now…we got a tear.

to make a tree.

for the horde to burn in 11 or 12.0.

they really needed to “it was a dream” us out of this. cheesy as hell, it would have been taken by more than a few people.

The Horde are not all about burning trees!
…sometimes we cut them down for stuff.

We also have that other tear from Legion that we somehow never talk about along with all those other world creating and destroying titan artifacts we never use.

So… TLDR we get to burn down TWO trees.

Theyre being used to stop the legion from reopening the portal in tomb of sargeras. Which is somewhat concerning as azshara stole the tidestone weakening that significantly

Sorry but the Nightborne are ours.

I’m pretty sure suramar has elune throughout it as it was a nightelf city whom worshipped elune prior to being sunken during the sundering.

Since the nightwell got created, I’m pretty sure they ditched elune and other deities out of anger of being in their situation.

I’m also sure some kept up with their past as historians, but for 10,000 years they only worshipped their own leaders and their favorite brand of arcwine.

Edit: random side thought, isn’t it a bit weird that Thalyssra has a thing for Lor’themar who is like two feet shorter? I wonder if the nightwell withered more than just muscle mass and dye their hair white.

Elune just sent the souls, she didn’t decide to sacrifice them. That was Sylvanas’ doing. After dying, many Night Elves stay behind as wisps, Elune just moved them (or tried to) to Ardenweald.

However, it makes no sense. I mean, if she was aware, she could’ve had dropped a Moon in Orgrimmar as vengeance too. I’d have liked that. But that’s too cool for Night Elves… :eyes:

She… didn’t exactly help them either. They were certainly begging though. While she did make Tyrande a Night Warrior that accomplished exactly nothing.

A whole bunch of them also became undead monsters too.
Aessina the Wispmother did more to keep Nelves from going to literal hell then Elune did.

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I love Elune… she is the loving mother but yeah…: she basically danced on all the night elf dead bodies and sent those peons to the afterlife instantly :grimacing::cold_face:

Have you heard the good news about the Earthmother and Skyfather?
[Hands you a pamphlet]

“Closes door”