Interfaith conflicts happen a lot. In this case it might seem dumb to us because we the players know that Tyrande’s literally Elune’s chosen one, but it might not be as apparent to most characters lorewise.
Tyrande, for example, didn’t exactly call upon Elune to protect Teldrassil, only invoked Her power for vengeance after the fact.
I suppose if Thalyssra and the other Nightborne aren’t really aware that Tyrande has literal one on ones with God, which is entirely plausible given their extended isolation, they might just see it as a religious schism. Fair enough.
The Scarlet Crusade did nothing wrong. Not until that dreadlord showed up!
The Argents are boring. Generic lawful good holier-than-thou crusaders.
I would very much like to see some lore about any remaining influence Elune worship still has in Suramar, but I doubt they’re going to revisit anything related to the elves once Azshara’s patch is over.
I agree the Scarlet Crusaders were far more compelling in the aftermath of the Scourge’s devastation of the Eastern Kingdoms. They did morally questionable stuff from their paranoia of plague carriers, but this view makes more sense to me considering Arthas’s death knight campaign.
Even if it were external source lore (novel/comic), I’d also love to see more on the subject. Hell, we still don’t have anything as far as I’m aware of how the nightborne feel about Teldrassil getting burned.
Considering Elune intervened and made sure the Night Elves that died at Teldrassil didn’t suffer, and made sure Malfurion didn’t die, something tells me she has forsaken the Nightborne, considering they took part in burning Teldrassil.
The Zandalari aren’t even related to the race of her primary worshipers is my point. Nightborne are.
Elune also doesn’t need a reason to do or not do anything. Elune is frequently the only entity comparable to an actual deity in Azeroth, and Elune did nothing while Teldrassil burned, or when the Burning Legion invaded.
Until some lore source elaborates on the nightborne’s relationship with Elune or straight up confirms that she abandoned them, saying Elune forsook the nightborne is speculation at best.
I don’t think this is the case, or if so it’s not a general rule. You would think out of all of them that Oculeth would be the atheist, but he’s the one who waxes fondly about the temple and its prayers, expressing a measure of disappointment that it has fallen to ruin.
I’m not going to say “NO THEY DONT HOW DARE YOU”
But it could also be just leftover architecture. No sense in tearing it down if it still looks nice, yeah?
The Nightborne should never have been Horde but hey i guess after 10k years of being locked up behind a shield the first thing you want to do is go the faction you know nothing about because Tyrande throws some shade your way. Forget the family bonds that could be renewed by the people from Suramar and the Night Elves of Teldrassil…let’s be part of the Horde because…reasons. Forget family bonds of the people you rule over because someone gave you the cold shoulder, unimportant.
Another gem of Blizzard writing.
Yea i am sure the Nightborne worship Elune, so can anyone else really.
Oh you just wait. I have a theory that the KT’s don’t look the way they do because Blizzard suddenly felt “hardy” meant that people grew to 9-10 ft. tall and became so obese that they don’t even show muscle.
You just wait until that model is used to introduce Ogres Horde side.
It could go either way, and I wish Blizz would clear this up. Nightborne can be priests, but wether they worship Elune or the Light is not known.
They could have been worshipping Elune under the protective barrier, but Thalyssra mentions specifically that they were cut off from moonlight 10k years ago. It seems unlikely that they still do and have probably abandoned the useless Elune worship in favour of magic study. There is no mention of contemporary Elune worship in Suramar.
The symbology could just be an architectural design that they stuck with. We still use ancient Greek design aspects, but noone still worships the Greek pantheon.
It seems that whatever they worship, they started doing it after they were reintroduced to the world.