Tyrande will be the one to end Sylvanas

the horde is a faustian bargain

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if she did get the kill, wouldn’t that just be a cycle of violence? idk if blizz is poetic enough to acknowledge it in game and either steer away or directly toward it

if she got the kill its inevitable that that would be some “darkening” of her and she would have to be a new expansion’s gul’dan and we’ll see her killed by malfurion or something and then a horde character goes “these people cant be trusted after this elf tried to kill us” and we murder some more elves and it goes on and on

Because whenever a hero killed a villain they turned into a villain themselves, right ? Sorry, that doesn’t make sense at all.

If Tyrande killed Sylvanas she’d be a hero for doing so, that said we have to remember that in the current story, Sylvanas is the hero and Tyrande the villain considering that Teldrassil has been erased from the story.

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That’d be a nice thematic moment, OP, but watch instead as the Jailer unceremoniously absorbs her life force at some point in SL.

Does this mean the final fight of the game will be us as a player fighting 25 randomly-generated named characters, as we’ve defeated enough villains to transform into a villain ourselves?

(And the important question: will Johnny Awesome be there again?)

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