Tyrande will be the one to end Sylvanas

As she should be.

After everything Arthas did to Sylvanas, Sylvanas went and did it to Tyrande.

Tyrande deserves to put her down more than anyone.


While I would like that, I think sylvanas hurt the players more than anyone, so I should end her


I wouldn’t be too surprised. I foresee something like what Illidan and Co did in Legion.

It should be Tyrande and Genn. Not just Tyrande.

Also, Sylvanas’ death should come from the Alliance. The Horde got to kill Garrosh, it would only be fair. Plus, I’m sure Horde Sylvanas fans wouldn’t be too happy killing her.


I think she dies and becomes the new Jailor, so I suspect both factions will fight her in their respective raids, though I wouldn’t be surprised if the canon kill is given to the Alliance.

I definitely don’t think she should be killed by an NPC. I hate when major plot points in the player’s stories are given over to the NPCs. If you haven’t noticed from my bazillion posts on the subject.

Sylvanas is gonna get cornered by Tyrande and Genn, and then is just going to toss herself off a tall tower and impale herself on a spike like in her short story.

Sylvanas didn’t get the kill on Arthas though… she wasn’t even present. Tyrande will be downstairs while someone random like Mayla Highmountain kills Sylvanas.


Would you rather kamehameha an old god?


You’re all wrong. It should be Vol’jin’s new loa form that gets to kill Sylvanas.

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Genn and the player get to defeat her physical/banshee self, then Loa’jin and Tyrande zap her spirit into nothingness when she tries to use her backup plan of having the Jailor bring her back.

And then we get to move on to non-Sylvanas plots.


I agree with the OP it’ll be Tyrande, but I think the NE wisps will have a part in killing her too. In any case killing Sylvanas will be the most single most important/memorable thing that anyone does.

She the most epic character in WoW atm, she’s a walking legend, and that legacy tho!


As it should be.

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Eh, the Night Elves evacuated and saved the Gilneans from Sylvanas twice. Though displaced, as far as tragedy goes, the Gilneans are more on par with the Forsaken having lost the Undercity, but not a lot of lives.

Glneans have been waiting to get their land back, longer, though, so they should get Gilneas back first before the Night Elves’ lands recover, at least.


That’s exactly why it should be Tyrande


Fair, but can Lor’themar or Vol’jin’s ghost or somebody be in the room while Tyrande and Genn kill her? Not even participating, necessarily, just, you know, hanging out.

Maybe offer to get everyone some snacks. You know, if the ‘killing’ thing takes a while.


I admit that the story of BfA was confusing and I might have missed something, but…

When did Sylvanas kill and raise Tyrande?


I have to ask why should Tyrande get revenge? So many in this game who deserved to finally get revenge were completely denied. What makes Tyrande and the Night Elves so special that it has to be them?

Because the Forsaken and Blood Elf fans are upset that Forsaken and Blood Elf NPCs didn’t get to be there in person when Arthas was killed, and Orc fans are upset that it doesn’t even seem like the Orcs even acknowledge that it was Kil’jaeden who tricked them let alone be involved with his death, and so that kind of thing shouldn’t keep happening.


Genn should absolutley be a part of the fight.


I don’t know that it really fixes things to have the fight be so overwhelmingly faction aligned though.

I’m personally betting on some shennanigans with Alleria because “teh void isn’t evul” or something. Also, Kael’Thas stops by to tell us that there must always be a Banshee Queen, so Varessa puts on the Leather Bra and Yoga Pants of the Damned.