Tyrande Whisperwind's character

I just watched the little video clip of Anduin trying to explain to Tyrande that the Alliance is “streched too thin” for aid right now. In which Tyrande is hell bent on revenge and destruction and decides to hoof it alone.

I’m not a huge lore person, but I thought Tyrande was old, like thousands of years old? All wise leaders who have age behind them throughout history know to never act out or make decisions out of an emotional state. They also know the importance of patience and how crucial timing is, even though they might be desperate.

Tyrande in this expansion (at least for me) comes across as very immature, childlike even in her decisions. For someone who is that old, to have demonstrated that she can not control herself, and wait the tiniest bit of time (even more so for her age) reveals that she is nearsighted and has no confidence in others. It’s not just Anduin, Velen I mean c’mon Velen is standing right next to Andiun and is quiet, as if to say “hmm, maybe we should wait and see what transpires before moving so quickly”, and he is a damn prophet for pete sake!

What are your thoughts on this scene, and what do you think of Tyrande’s decision?


Tyrande isn’t one of them.

She murdered all of Maiev’s watcher to free Illidan, only to exile him later anyway, this is after beta Malf told her it was a bad idea in the first place.

Also Varian is 100 times wiser than her, its shown back in MOP.


The main continent of her people, where her marriage and the tree was blessed, was just burnt to a crisp and the sacred forests taken over by Horde.

Let me know how you react when that happens to you and your people.


But that is my point, acting through a state of anger is never wise. And someone as old as Tyrande should know better.

There are cases in history of leaders who waited even though unspeakable things happened to them. One such leader in India had his family murdered and much worst but he waited, and waited until the right time for revenge could be struck. He knew that and he was like a fraction of Tyrande’s age.


Age isn’t a factor when you watch your people, your continent and your forests ripped away from you.

This isn’t history. It’s a game with a storyline that needs to move forward at a much quicker pace.


Decision making is always a careful process, and yes age certainly molds and sculpts one’s ability to make better judgements because it provides experiences, and through those experiences knowledge is obtained.

Tyrande has always been impulsive, stubborn, and immature, regardless of age. She murdered countless Wardens in cold blood to release Illidan from his prison all in the name of him potentially helping her help save the world. She is constantly going against the orders or demands of the High King simply because it does not suit her own wants.

Tyrande has never been written as wise despite being the supposed wisest and highest authority in all of the kaldorei.


tbh that’s typical Tyrande right there, harsh, childish and usually taking decisions that would inevitably put herself and others in danger. If you play the WC3 campaign you’ll see what i’m talking about. All along the journey you’ll see her belittling the humans and orcs as nothing more than savages and “mongrels” , refusing to cooperate with the alliance and the horde despite her race being at the brink of extinction, repeatedly disobeying orders from the line of command because “she only takes orders from Elune”, freeing war criminals because she feels like it and disobeying direct orders not to do so, abandoning her mission to track the war criminal she herself freed and at the same time ending up alone behind enemy lines, endangering the whole campaign.

By the end of that game i despised her because she was nothing but a liability.


Elves are the main reason for all the bad stuff happening. So who cares if they all die? They’d make wonderful Death Knights so it wouldn’t mean their deaths are meaningless.

In the name of all Kaldorei, I disown the OP.

Your eyes aren’t even black and blue. Have you no pride?

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“Hush Tyrande” is the best advice that Malf could give her.

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Cant really expect rational decisions when she just had her people massacred and her lands torched. All the while shes being told no

I dont blame her one bit for acting with emotion


Uh Nelfs are the Savage Nobles no? Go check out their roots in Warcraft. I love how she’s like “nope, the horde will bleed”. Plus this is a video game. If we use logic like you’re suggesting this would be World of Peacecraft.

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Tyrande has always been overly emotional and easily manipulated. This has been since WC3


Once again… an entire continent burnt down with her people on it, a home blessed by dragons, and forests burnt and chopped down and taken over. It’s a game storyline. It can’t stagnate because you want someone to wait around for some reason.


She is actually a really wise woman in many aspects. But she, and most of the Kaldorei, they are not always so rational like we can expect. Like orcs, Kaldoreis are moved mostly by passion, and sometimes passion can blind rationality. But that’s ok, i don’t expect that a race from a fantasy world full of epicness magic and spirituality, act like a modern militar leader from the real world.


You had me until you compared the Kaldorei to the Zug’dorei.

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I like that term :smile:


She’s still going through her teenage years.

We all thought we knew better in those years.


When was Tyrande described as the wisest authority in the kaldorei? I would think even she would say that Malfurion was wiser, being as he dedicated all those millennia to learning and wisdom while she was off culling dark trolls and whatnot.