Tyrande Night Warrior thing reminds me of

Oh My, I hate to say it but Tyrande’s little night warrior thing reminds me of Orcs drinking demon blood…all full of rage and hate. Stirring up the worgens who are just a step away from being mindless killing machines. Likely will become the next new baddie in wow.


Tyrande haven’t changed if you actually followed her character


I hope so. Bout time the Alliance got their turn at mustache twirling villains.

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and Bloodlust!

I have a taste for Orc flesh!!!


Her idea is gonna back fire at some point. People are speculating she’d be main plot point of introducing the next expansion, much like Garrosh did for WLoD.

Oh My, I see that because she is angry and humans and the boy king for helping her. They will decide that Greymane should be high king. This will cause a civil war until she realizes she is an idiot

What I think is interesting is how much more closely Blizzard keeps writing the Alliance to falling to the Void…

The Void Elves… Alleria… Anduin serving at the “Master’s table”… and now Tyrande. Once she’s juiced up on the Night warrior empowerment shes showing clear signs of Void powers. You see it when she’s attacking the Horde.

Now, the Horde aren’t uncorrupted either, they seem and we actually get told multiple times through the story that the Horde are becoming enemies of Life and that we are “serving Death”… and there is a lot more than that tying us to the Death domain too.

Alliance with Void whlle Horde with Death seems to be setting up a cosmic proportion to our faction war escalating in the future.


That’s gonna be one very edgy expansion.

praise Elune the void loa!

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Zug Zug!

*** Eyes Nøkken’s head and then stares at a nearby moonwell ****



Ooh are you going to give me voidy eyes too?

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If you say “Elune” three times in front of a mirror, she’ll appear behind you just like Biggie Smalls :grin:

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Ooh what if I want a bunch of Elunes?

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Honestly, Tyrande doesn’t sound any different to me than she did before. Angry over the whole tree-burning-down thing, sure, but she’s always been rather hotheaded. Heck, in her first appearance she went from killing Maiev’s troops and freeing Illidan to banishing him herself within the span of two missions.

Not to mention, when they drank the demon’s blood, the orcs actually got… you know, stronger. They went from getting curbstomped by Cenarius to being able to fight and eventually kill him. Tyrande went from not being able to kill Nathanos to… not being able to kill Nathanos. (They managed to kill a val’kyr, but so did the player and some random army scrubs back in Andorhal, so that can’t be too impressive.)

So all in all, if Tyrande has sold her soul to Elune or the Void or demons or whatever, she certainly didn’t get a very good price for it.

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I don’t wanna be a mustache twirling villain, I wanna be Thanos snap at the end of Infinity War kinda villain.

One step at a time. You haven’t even taken your first steps into villainy yet. You can’t ash half the universe until you’ve committed your first war atrocity first.

it reminds me of a lazy gimmick that they severely misused. her ascension didn’t even get a proper cinematic.


Tell the writers to stop being weenies and let me dropkick orc babies into undead ribcages. :frowning:

How dare you. Now I have to go watch both of those movies. Also thanks.

This seems like an extremely inefficient weapon. I’m beginning to see why the night elves never expanded their empire after driving us out.