Tyrande Night Warrior thing reminds me of

Dropkicking orc babies is all about technique and leverage. But for maximum efficiency they make great cannon balls.

Uhh, we’re talking about the woman who, upon seeing some desperate refugees, sentient beings struggling to survive, who she completely knew because some of them were Tauren, friends of the Night Elves and Cenarius, and the rest all looked like Broxxigar, the ancient hero and her friend who single-handedly saved her people and THE PLANET, and whose statue has been just outside the city she leads for literally 10,000 years, decided the appropriate means of introduction was extermination and genocide of these people.

Because, y’know, they chopped down a few trees to build themselves shelter form the elements.

No warning. No parley. No “holy crap, it’s Broxxigar’s people! How I’ve longed and searched for millenia to meet his kith and kin!”

Nope. Genocide.

And now she’s super-powered and you’re starting to think THAT is making her evil?

Fun fact, no matter how much more “evolved” and “advanced” they claim to be, elf women are still trolls. And troll women are savage as HELL if you cross them even slightly. They seem all friendly and reasonable, but the slightest misstep and they go full-on psychotic war criminal on you.

You are forgetting Broxigar is a post-WC3 retcon created in a novel. And killing invaders is not genocide…

His statue is in-game. WC3 is canon in-game. Canonically, she knew exactly who the orcs were. Even if she didn’t, what’s her excuse for not even asking them to leave before trying to slaughter them? “Because they aren’t pretty races”?

Completely evil war criminal.

Come to think of it, wasn’t Broxigar’s actual niece and heir in that refugee camp?

They weren’t “invading”. They didn’t even know she was there. Attacking and trying to exterminate a group of refugees without even the slightest warning beforehand? Not so much as a “get off my lawn!”?

Yeah, that’s genocide. That’s a war crime on every level. Tyrande is a murderous psychopath who cares more about trees 100’s (1000’s?) of miles from her home city than sentient beings.

Where is Broxigar’s statue in Darnassus? I’ve never seen it.

Correct and it pre-dates the Broxigar story, so this idea they would know who the Orcs were is inconsistent and unaddressed via the retcon… So you can’t reasonably use that as an argument being unaware of the timeline of the writing itself…

Because Cenarius smelled ‘fel’ upon them and said they were a vanguard for the Burning Legion… For someone who talks about canon this and that you are woefully unaware of the story or the timeline…

If they stink of fel and are defiling my land, ya, I will remove them.

no, irradiating your city to massacre troggs who just wanted to live along side your short little gnomish behinds is a war crime. Killing invaders is just war.

Are you seriously saying that they should’ve ignored the orcs’ invasion because one orc, one time helped them out?

I mean, should they have sent a sternly-worded letter first? Maybe. Would that have made any impact whatsoever? No, not with Grom in charge.

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Darling, they are trying to tease us. This whole story arc is likely for the next expansion. Blizzard also thinks Nathanos is some big wannabee and player feed back told them he is a B list scrub and I bet he will be a goner once our little rage filled Night Warrior " learns" about her power and goes all rage on everyone

It would make her a leader defending her land instead of a psychopathic, xenophobic war criminal.