Tyrande: Next Faction Leader Gone Wrong

When my Alliance Alt asked Andy about Tyrande, he said this:

“She… hasn’t responded to my missives since departing for Darkshore. I fear vengeance has consumed her.”

Sounds like trouble…


Well when orc heads are an ingredient in your holy stew it is bound to end poorly.


Someone has to keep things interesting. We all know Anduin won’t do it.

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I guess so. I mean… nothing good has ever come out of an Orc’s head.


I like what you did there.

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Just Blizzard doing the usual popular female npc goes on a rampage. Jaina Sylvanas and many more send regards to Tyrande. lol

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I hope so. At this point, after what I watched today, I want nothing more…or less…from her than to completely embrace the persona of the living avatar of Elune’s Divine Vengeance and lead us all into a bloodbath of epic scale.

But if a serious injury results, then you must require a life for a life— 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, and stripe for stripe.

Full on Old Testament wrath of God stuff.



Are you night elves here to dance on more mail boxes today?

Not today…quick slash of blade, head falls to ground. Now whose the next alliance idiot to ask that question.

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Please make thd nelfs go wild.good start in darskhore. Keep going. I feel like they wobt just accept this peace. Also, i wonder if azshara will have her elf form restored and cause some trouble. Dunno, just thoughts.its all very exciting.

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Well when 10k year old beings can’t see the long ball and gets upset when their leader says wait until i can get a force big enough to handle the situation and then throws a tantrum like a 3 year old…that doesn’t seem to ever lead to good things.

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I dunno. The alliance became dire enemies with the zandalari and nothings happened yet.

Probably not. Can’t have the perfect good all wrongs brushed under the rug alliance looking like the bad guys, like ever

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Anduin released Saurfang and helped him every step of the way. Saurfang planned and executed the War of Thorns on Sylvanas’s behalf. If Tyrande finds out and has hard feelings toward Anduin and Stormwind, you can’t say that’s unjustified. Remember Tyrande personally blames Saurfang for Teldrassil burning.


3 of the 4 core races are secure in their lands.

Most newer races have their space.

And since the start the night elves have been told one day man, we will fix you.

Now off we go to help some human population so fat and lazy they can’t even handle their own business. They lost their own land to ignorance, lack of care and being generally failures at life.

Gee, how did lady ashvane and get so strong. She hid it really well. You trip over the crates of Azerite on the surface ffs.

Anyone notice the tide sages have been really freaky of late? Nah…We all get bad days I guess. Dude, They are not having a bad day…they are freaks now.

And there are ne fixing up this mess. Time to say screw this.


Sorry mort but I wish I had a down vote button for the idea of villain batting tyrande.


I’m not the one saying it. I’m just repeating what King Andy told me.

Because he got a friend in me.

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Because we need the fleet.

Portals, vindicaar…ways to move stuff.

And at this point more than half the zandalari fleet is resting on the ocean floor with a dead king.

Jaina also back in power as well. Fleet…we have it. Anduin is just blowing the night elves off at this point.

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All wayyyy too exciting and non formulaic for Blizzard.

It better be trouble.

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