Tyrande: Next Faction Leader Gone Wrong

To be fair, “consumed with vengeance” doesn’t automatically mean villain, though. But I don’t trust Blizz to flesh out her character well enough to get into those intricacies. They failed royally with Jaina.


Well, I’m sure it will be handled with nuance and pathos either way!

I wouldn’t mind if down the road we do have to deal with an out of control Tyrande. I could easily see her being consumed by the “night warrior” spirit and going all out to wipe out the Horde in revenge for what they did to the NEs. I mean that ritual was incredible dangerous and typically kills anyone attempting it.

Were you there with her when she just laid waste to all of Darkshore before running into Plot Armor of the Devs on the beach? She didn’t need a force, we were all just along for the ride after her upgrade to Living Avatar of Elune’s Wrath.

Of course she was then stuffed into a closet for the rest of the expansion.


Then the writers threw the alliance fleet into Nazjatar.

Funny enough, I noticed this occurs in the assaults.

I’d be more than happy if my Night Warrior Marksman would be allowed to embrace a new life as a Neutral Evil Drow.



It feels more like their showing how young Anduin still is, since it wasn’t that long ago that Tyrande and the night elves lost everything and he’s saying that she’s consumed by vengeance. As of Tyrande can just forget.


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He’s not being shown as young, he’s shown as committed to peace, tolerance and understanding. Which is the ethos the game has always officially subscribed to, even while presenting a narrative where mercy is punished.

Sadly, if they’re positioning Tyrande as antithetical to that, it’s not a good sign.

He’s not being shown as young, he’s shown as committed to peace, tolerance and understanding.

I just want to watch him become Shadow Anduin.

…It has nothing at all whatsoever to do with my thing for tentacles.

Just play Hearthstone.


Yes that will do very nicely.

I’ll be in my bunk.

Of course i can. Anduin could easily say he helped split the Horde and then helped get Saurfang to sacrifice himself to save many lives instead of having to perform a frontal assault on Orgimmar. She can be butthurt but he not only was in the right in freeing him and fomenting a civil war but it worked out to save more lives then he could have imagined when he started.

Yea, Night Elves have never been what they should have in the game. They certainly aren’t the incarnation they were in WC3. They are a race of super models that only exists to take blows and get smashed that is never allowed to have a victory in the game…i mean unless you say that one Valkyr dying was equal to the burning of Teldrassil and the deaths of countless innocents. Apparently Blizzard thinks that was good. But then again when has equality been a thing in the game…Theramore is still destroyed and flattened years later while we just left Org. in tact and did nothing due to the WORST WRITING EVER at the end of SoO.

The reality is the Alliance only exist to move the plot along. They don’t act, they only react and to be honest even when they react they do completely stupid things, moronic to the point of being completely utterly and totally unbelievable. But hey that is what goes on and why the Alliance as a faction is almost dead. Who wants to play Alliance when EVERYTHING is put into the Horde since the games inception. Alliance got 20 mins of gameplay and a 2 min cinematic for what happened in the burning of Teldrassil…the Horde got a 40 minute movie about Saurfang alone along with numerous ingame cinematics and all of the better AR’s and also got to make several decisions along the way. I can’t even as an Alliance player decide if i want to go save the enemies faction leader (Baine) or even go to Orgimmar to help the Horde (AGAIN).

Of course they were sidelined, why would you have Night Elves be involved in anything with Azshara, utterly ridiculous. As i stated above Alliance exists to move the story along, get small snippets of story and then sit back and watch everything about the Horde while our leaders are uber powerful morons unfit to tie anyone’s shoes much less lead armies.

She’s furious because Blizz took away her high heels!

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