"Tyrande got her revenge"

Plot armor=Nathanos.

In fact his armor plot is so hard that not even a god could tie it

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…yes I can? The Night Elves are the main driving force of BFA for the Alliance. That is the fact I stated.

My other statement was they can’t just state that the Night Elf story is over then expect us to be fine with it.

That’s telling Alliance we’re going to be stuck for the next year and a half riding the coat tails of the Horde story they disguise as “neutral” like they’ve started doing in 8.2.

That’s not okay.

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They’ve expected us to be fine with the container ship of boxed up fertilizer they shipped from the War of Thorns and continued with Darkshore…

I definitely agree that the comment is a slap in the face for Night Elf fans. However, It’s not like Night Elves haven’t had lots of focus recently.

Legion was full of Night Elf focused story. Valsharah and the Nightmare raid in general was all about Tyrande and Malfurion and night elf druidism.

Suramar and the Nightborne were definitely very Night Elf related.

Azsuna was mostly all about night elves as well.

Additionally there was lots of warden stuff which is night elves again.

And let us not forget the poster boy of Legion: Illidan. He’s a night elf too.

As far as BfA goes the fact that the whole war of thorns thing happened is Night Elf story. (just because you don’t like what happened doesnt mean you weren’t being focused on)

Again I think the comment in the interview was poorly made. However the fact of wow storytelling is that, unless you’re an orc or human, you’re have to take turns with your time in the limelight. And as far as non-orc/humans go the night elves have done pretty well.


all that Legion stuff was fine. They should’ve just been done with night elves for the next rest of the existence of the game then. NOw they’ve really sent things sideways, and there is an onus and expectation to fix it that wouldn’t be there, and they are just acting like it’s not there anyway cause they want to tell more Sylvanas story, which I’m sure will go over SO well with the Horde fans already tired of it.

^ Tyrande should have wiped the floor with Nathanos. no contest but plot armour. The story would have been better and more interesting if she had killed Sylv’s toy boy and sent his gift wrapped head back to the banshee queen


They story is definitely a mess. No argument there.

My guess is that the reason they’re not have Tyrande in Nazjatar is because blizz is having another ceasefire and that would feel even more out of place if Tyrande was there and forced to be okay with it cuz plot stuff.

I believe you get to do something questing with Shandris there so there’s at least some night elf presence. (I enjoy doing stuff with lower level npcs like shandris, Lillian Voss, etc more than the faction leaders personally but that’s obviously personal preference). A faction team up during a faction war xpac feels bad enough. I imagine it’d feel that much worse if it was Tyrande.

Like you said though, by the end of this xpac I dont think anyone is going to be particularly satisfied. I imagine that when the story focus comes back to Sylv and her “master plan” Tyrande will at least have a little more say on the alliance side than she’s had so far. That’s just me speculating though and either way probably won’t satisfy the NE fans in the way they want.


ya I agree, I don’t have an issue with that at all. I have an issue with saying she’s ‘gotten the vengeance for her people’. She didn’t, not with any tangible results that matter. Like I said earlier, I just take it as she’s unsubbed with the rest of the night elf players, waiting for something non-rubbish to come back to. What I want will never happen with this crop of writers, and it sucks because had I been a solidly horde fan I would’ve gotten the mayhem and carnage I wanted visited upon the Alliance. So I just stopped caring really. It doesn’t bother me any more, it’s just amusing seeing the devs miss the mark so badly yet again.

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Revenge? What revenge?

Undercity? Sylvanas blighted it.
Did we even cannonly take Arathi Shore back? Are you actually telling me that’s it, no more story? Wow that’s the dumbest thing I have heard. Guess if you aren’t an hot little forsaken woman you can’t do much in the expansion.

Even the attack on Troll City seemed more about Jaina’s revenge then Tyrande. Like we should have aleast seen a fight between Tyrande and Sylvanas.
Well, I am starting to agree BFA hasn’t been so great, you think Tyrande and the Night Elves would get revenge (Theramore got blown up years ago and Jaina’s still on an one woman wrecking ship, and despite turning into the Ice Queen, she isn’t letting this one go.).

FYI this furthers more proof Sylvanas will live. If Tyrande’s story is “done” and she got her “revenge” (And we know Blizzard is pretending this, because revenge means Sylvana’s death). Whatever happens next, guess Sylvanas survives, next expansion Thrall or someone will become the warchief, Sylvanas remains the leader of the Forsaken, maybe Nathanos dies, but we will never speak of Teldrassil, Tyrande, or the Night Elves against Sylvanas again.

This is garbage writing. Tyrande becomes the wrath of Elune and only kills one Valkyr. Nathanos survives because of edgy plot armor and flies away and that’s it? That’s the Night Elf revenge for Teldrassil?

These writers and whoever else is involved in this story are delusional. Why even bring the Night Elves to the center of the story if you have zero intention on seeing it through? These writers shouldn’t have even bothered.


“Tyrande just sort of forgot Azshara exists.”


Tyrande got mad at Mommy Elune and went Goth bad girl. This clearly got Malfurion’s testosterone pumping. So after a little savage™ Night Elf foreplay they disappeared off into the forest for some alone time.

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The Alliance never really wanted to fight, and any attempt at showing disharmony within the Alliance has fizzled. At least for the moment, until they decide to use some hamfisted character development to keep the faction war going.

Proper Night Elf revenge should involve the Horde losing a zone. Like maybe pushing the Goblins out of Azshara and undoing their remodeling of the zone.


None of the current writing team had anything to do with WC3, where all of these characters came from. None of those characters are theirs. They have no desire to write for characters that they didn’t create because they want THEIR characters in the spotlight (except for Sylvanas, because the writer who voices Nathanos has a sticky body pillow of her. No that’s not true, he has several). The easiest solution then is to either kill them off or banish them somewhere where they can’t have any impact on the world.

Thrall is going to die. Jaina is also probably going to die. Illidan is playing patty-cake with Sargeras. Tyrande and Malfurion will get thrown into a hole and forgotten. Anduin is safe, he’s their creation. Ditto all the Legion racial leaders who will get even more spotlight because oh look, they created them too. Nobody cares enough about goblins, gnomes, or pandaren to worry about their lore characters.

This is bad writers who resent the characters that came before them killing them off or otherwise removing them to make room for their own characters, which are terrible because they are bad writers. You see this with any IP that’s been around for a while, Star Wars comes to mind. Just give up on character or story, they aren’t worth a dry fart and won’t be ever again.


2019 is just the year of horrible writers lol

Sucks for you guys

Us hordies will still be blindly following our genocidal leader :ok_hand:


Easy. Nelves ain’t worth &%$#.


Even if that’s true, getting back the less important half of what you just lost doesn’t exactly scream “yeah I got my revenge now”.




plot armor = malfurion, Jaina, mekkatorque, Anduin, Alleria, and Genn