Tyrande got her revenge

Let’s stop that sentence right there and let our imaginations take hold.

… Mmm.
Cocoa butter.


Money well spent then.

I’d say sorry night elves, but i’d be lying. Go’el and Varok are way better looking than you.

just the way it goes i suppose

Isn’t this what we were all expecting?

Well, I suppose not.

My belief was that the Night Elf thread would simply be dropped with the release of Battle for Darkshore; I didn’t actually expect Blizzard to acknowledge it, certainly not declare it as any kind of victory for Tyrande.

(Edit: Maybe these are rogue Blizzard agents that aren’t on the same page as the rest of the dev team. Could be a simple mistake based on what was or could have been.)

It feels like there was more content planned and it had to be dropped for time / resources needed elsewhere in the expansion. Curious to see what’s revealed about Battle for Azeroth development over time.

I wanna read that book.

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Little reminder :

Burke also noted that many Night Elf characters were alive during the time of Queen Azshara (who is set to return in Patch 8.2). The Night Elf presence in the story will likely continue throughout that confrontation

Of course Shandris is still here and that’s really nice, but she is alone and just there as a 7th Legion representative. 8.2 doesn’t make the story of the Night Elves as whole continue.


they are going to explore shandris a little.
and we still don’t know what the war campaign is going to be about…
but the last time that i got even a slight hope…
maybe i am too naive waiting to be surprised in a good way still…
like… there has to be something…because, shandris does indeed says that “there must be vengeance for teldrassil”.


I thought about this too, full of hope, before but Blizzard saying “her vengeance is over” basically means no more story, even more in the war campaing where the story would be just that.

Poor Shandris didn’t get the memo…


She’s rebelling from the inside.

Sylvanas is lucky Illidan is babysitting Sargares…you know he would go full “Scorched Earth” on the Horde until he got to those who were responsible for Tedrissal. That would mean Sylvanas, Saurfang, and Nathanos would all be dead at the end of BFA.

But Malfurion and Tyrande are treehuggers and are easy to nullify.


I mean…would he, though? He’d definitely go full tortured monologue, because that’s his thing, but other than that, I have no idea what Illidan would do. He’s as likely to suddenly fall passionately in love with Sylvanas as anything else.


He’d probably remark on everyone being fools to ignore the damage that had been done to the planet and that the true war was not between mortals and their paltry toys.

However, if Sylvanas hurt Tyrande, he’d be tearing through the Forsaken like tissue paper.


Nathanos would be dead for even trying it, that’s for sure.

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One of the things that I liked about Legion was that it almost completely ignored the Malfurion/Tyrande/Illidan triangle. Such a cliched plot point needs to be forgotten. He obviously has much better chemistry with Maive, anyway. And possibly Turalyon. I’d ship that threesome.


What was all this then?

Close to ignoring it? Well it’s close enough. :smiley: It was to the point I thought the writers forgot about it.

I do have to agree, Illidan would be better off not pining for Tyrande.


Meh… they acknowledged it, but past what you linked it really didn’t factor in at all. I would’ve liked to see Tyrande and Malfurion interact with Illidan (love triangle or no) in Legion, but apparently they decided it was better for him to snark at an old man with a dead kid.




Why would you even want Tyrande when you have a Amazonian goddess like Maiev thirsting your you?


The cutscene in “Destiny Unfulfilled” was all about how Illidan was pretty much only even thinking about Tyrande for why he wanted to save Azeroth at all, and in “Moments of Reflection” he reinforces that with his message to Tyrande:

    Illidan Stormrage says: At those times when I faced doubt, I held true to one constant. One anchor. You.
    Illidan Stormrage says: You have always embodied the best of Azeroth, Tyrande. Your faith. Your devotion. Through the darkest times, my belief in you never wavered.

Plus, Maiev left Illidan after the Tomb of Sargeras and eventually goes to Tyrande and Malfurion to have them take her back at Darkshore. Illidan gets dumped by everyone.


No… what it means is that the story for one culminates in a seesaw Warfront, and the other in an update of a classic PVP Battleground. Both lands remain forever contested, with the gains that the Horde got during Cataclysm solidified as canon.

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Most things indicate that the Alliance won the Darkshore Warfront. Nathanos is no longer at Darkshore (having headed back to Zandalar before the Battle of Dazar’alor, and then we’ll see him for Nazjatar before he goes back to Orgrimmar, and he doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, either). The Horde’s version of the warfront is set right after the Alliance intro questing since the Horde has to save Belmont, and since that’s always the case and generals don’t change like at Arathi it would seem this is a gameplay mechanic like repeating dungeons rather than battlegrounds (Belmont also doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, so it’s not like the Alliance players recapture him every time, either).

And even outside the Darkshore Warfront we have support that the Alliance won:


Wow, really Bliz…I set my expectations really low and you guys still under performed. Elune’s wrath must be pretty bloody easy to sate if all it takes is killing a bunch of nameless grunts and simply battling a self-insert.