Tyrande got her revenge

Close to ignoring it? Well it’s close enough. :smiley: It was to the point I thought the writers forgot about it.

I do have to agree, Illidan would be better off not pining for Tyrande.


Meh… they acknowledged it, but past what you linked it really didn’t factor in at all. I would’ve liked to see Tyrande and Malfurion interact with Illidan (love triangle or no) in Legion, but apparently they decided it was better for him to snark at an old man with a dead kid.




Why would you even want Tyrande when you have a Amazonian goddess like Maiev thirsting your you?


The cutscene in “Destiny Unfulfilled” was all about how Illidan was pretty much only even thinking about Tyrande for why he wanted to save Azeroth at all, and in “Moments of Reflection” he reinforces that with his message to Tyrande:

    Illidan Stormrage says: At those times when I faced doubt, I held true to one constant. One anchor. You.
    Illidan Stormrage says: You have always embodied the best of Azeroth, Tyrande. Your faith. Your devotion. Through the darkest times, my belief in you never wavered.

Plus, Maiev left Illidan after the Tomb of Sargeras and eventually goes to Tyrande and Malfurion to have them take her back at Darkshore. Illidan gets dumped by everyone.


No… what it means is that the story for one culminates in a seesaw Warfront, and the other in an update of a classic PVP Battleground. Both lands remain forever contested, with the gains that the Horde got during Cataclysm solidified as canon.

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Most things indicate that the Alliance won the Darkshore Warfront. Nathanos is no longer at Darkshore (having headed back to Zandalar before the Battle of Dazar’alor, and then we’ll see him for Nazjatar before he goes back to Orgrimmar, and he doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, either). The Horde’s version of the warfront is set right after the Alliance intro questing since the Horde has to save Belmont, and since that’s always the case and generals don’t change like at Arathi it would seem this is a gameplay mechanic like repeating dungeons rather than battlegrounds (Belmont also doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, so it’s not like the Alliance players recapture him every time, either).

And even outside the Darkshore Warfront we have support that the Alliance won:


Wow, really Bliz…I set my expectations really low and you guys still under performed. Elune’s wrath must be pretty bloody easy to sate if all it takes is killing a bunch of nameless grunts and simply battling a self-insert.


Who even gives a crap about Darkshore - sentimentality, aside I mean. On a meta level, Darkshore will be very close to my NE character’s heart since it was the first non-Teldrassil zone he ran around in.

But the Catcalysm happened 9 years ago, the zone was wrecked then and has been a mess since. There is very little of value to that land.

IC, my character doesn’t really give a fig about Darkshore. He cares about what had become his peoples’ refuge after years of waging wars and maintaining a waning grip on Kalimdor.

I want whatever they’re smoking at Blizz HQ.

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Actuallly Illidan left Maiev and herWardens to die by drowning in the Tomb of Sargeras. Maiev was the only one to escape thanks to a teleportation artifact she posessed.

Needless to say this pretty much added to Maiev’s already deep obsession with hunting him down.

I think he means after the Tomb of Sargeras raid, in Legion.


I kind of expected more of a callback to those events.

Nisha’s ghost is one of the Dailies/Rarespawns you can fight in there I believe…

Absolute and utter contempt for the Alliance playerbase, particularly night elves

That’s what.


As Galenorn pointed out, I meant in Legion, after Maiev allied with Illidan. To be fair, the real reason was Maiev’s voice actress, Debi Mae West, needed throat surgery. It was surprising to hear her again for Darkshore, and nice to find out she recovered so well.


She must be doing a lot of work. Which is a good thing for any actor.

Mark Hamill recently put out a tweet where slept with the entire cast ofa Justice League Short animation short. That’s because he voiced every single character in that episode… including Mark Hamill… Famous Actor. I can’t post the link here but it’s worth the effort to look it up on YouTube.

edit: apparnatly I can!


But Illidan literally sacrificed everything he had and anyone he ever loved in his pursuit of going after Sargares. I don’t think he will need to go through the herculean efforts to topple Sylvanas as I believe he is a master tactician and I am sure an army of demon hunters would wreck the horde.

Chalk me down as a sentimental fool.


I love that short. Mark Hamill is my favorite Joker.

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Despite what’s gone down in BFA I don’t believe so. Legion had a major amount of Night Elf lore adn callbacks as did the underwater zone in Cataclysm and the resurrection of the entire Night Elf pantheon in Hyjal. Those aren’t the creations of a franchise that has the hostility you would ascribe to them. I do think however that they have a very different view of the playerbase then is reflected in your perspective though.


See this is a weird hill to die on.

I already concede from a meta-perspective it matters. But Night Elves hail from all of Kalimdor. Most RPers I’ve come across, people who care about the story, people attached to their characters have their night elves native to various parts of Kalimdor - Feralas, Ashenvale, Winterspring, Azshara, etc.

So again, I don;'t care that they’ve won Darkshore - it is, and has been for a while, a shattered husk of a land. I care about Ashenvale, Astranaar, and Kalimdor as a whole - and even that doesn’t make up for the utter destruction of what looked to be their new, forever home.