Tyrande’s quest was NOT vengeance

Actually no, you are negative in the way that you exaggerate things sometimes. Like below.

Tyrande apologize to Sylvanas for such a dumb reason? Come on.
That won’t ever happen and you stating it like THAT makes it ridiculous, when you said it I just rolled my eyes and closed the tab and went to do something else.

Tyrande realizing vengeance is bad? Sure thats possible.
Tyrande sparing Sylvanas temporarily so that she can help with stopping Jailer? Yep. That will probably happen and in the finale she probably won’t get a chance at revenge.
Tyrande saying something like “You aren’t worth my time anymore” and walking away in the most cliche cinematic possible? Also a maybe.
No statisfaction for anyone (Night Elves included)? Absolutely.

But this over the top of Tyrande of all people will be the one apologizing, all the night elves are dead. everything is gone. everyone is gone. life is over. etc. etc. etc. is just annoying.

I don’t think you are wrong in your overall expectations to be disappointed, but when you get into the specifics of how bad things will be then it begins to get ridiculous.

The Horde can perfectly survive if it didn’t attack the Alliance every odd expansion.

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